[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers In this blog post we have provided the answers of the ArduinoTest course of Spoken Tutorial.

Q1. In the common cathode seven-segment display, pins a, b, c, d, e, f, g and dot must be connected to __________

  • (A) 5 volts
  • (B) Ground
  • (C) 50 volts
  • (D) None of them

Ans:- (A) 5 volts

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q2. Which command prints the message “button pressed” on the LCD?

Select one:

  • (A) lcd.read (“button pressed”);
  • (B) lcd.write (“button pressed”);
  • (C) lcd.goto (“button pressed”);
  • (D) lcd.print (“button pressed”);

Ans:- (D) lcd.print (“button pressed”);

Q3. In the below connection, the LED doesn’t glow. What is the mistake?

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers
  • (A) Battery is not connected properly to the LED
  • (B) Resistor is not required in this connection
  • (C) There is no connection between the anode of the LED and resistor lead
  • (D) The middle row holes in the breadboard are connected row-wise

Ans:- (C) There is no connection between the anode of the LED and resistor lead

Q4. What is the function of digitalwrite()?

  • (A) Write to a digital pin
  • (B) Read from a digital pin
  • (C) None of them
  • (D) Display the digit

Ans:- (A) Write to a digital pin

Q5. In the common anode seven-segment display, pins a, b, c, d, e, f, g and dot must be connected to __________

  • (A) 5 volts
  • (B) Ground
  • (C) None of them
  • (D) 10 volts

Ans:- (B) Ground

Q6. Which function is used to  to configure the pin to output mode?

  • (A) pinMode(13, OUTPUT)
  • (B) digital Read(13)
  • (C) analogwrite(13, 10)
  • (D) digitalWrite(13,HIGH)

Ans:- (A) pinMode(13, OUTPUT)

Introduction to Computers – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q7. What are the two default empty functions that you can see when you open a new file in Arduino IDE?

  • (A) void start and void end
  • (B) void input and void output
  • (C) void new and void end
  • (D) void setup and void loop

Ans:- (D) void setup and void loop

Q8. Which device helps to hold the components of a circuit?

Select one:

(A) Pushbutton

(B) Seven segment display


(D) Breadboard

Ans:- (D) Breadboard

Q9. What does this picture show?

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) Breadboard

(B) None of them

(C) Arduino board

(D) Printed circuit boards

Ans:- (A) Breadboard

Q10. What are the two types of seven segment display ?

Select one:

(A) Open and Close

(B) Parallel and Serial

(C) Positive and Negative

(D) Common anode, Common cathode

Ans:- (D) Common anode, Common cathode

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q11. What is the usage of potentiometer in interfacing Arduino with LCD?

Select one:

(A) To allow a variable voltage to control the contrast of the LCD

(B) To place the data in the LCD

(C) To place the command to be displayed in  the LCD

(D) To send data and commands to the LCD

Ans:- (A) To allow a variable voltage to control the contrast of the LCD

Q12. Pushbutton usually has __________

Select one:

(A) 1 leg

(B) 4 legs

(C) 3 legs

(D) 6 legs

Ans:- (B) 4 legs

Q13. Which LEDs should be high and low to display digit 2 on the seven segment display?

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) LEDs of segment a,b,d,e,g  should be high and the other LEDS should be low

(B) LEDs of segment a,b,f,e,g  should be high and the other LEDS should be low

(C) LEDs of segment ‘g’ should be low and all other LED segments should be high

(D) LEDs of segment a,b,c,d,g should be high and the other LEDS should be low

Ans:- (A) LEDs of segment a,b,d,e,g  should be high and the other LEDS should be low

Q14. What does pin 0-RX marked in red color below the picture, stands for ?

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) Troubleshooting

(B) Receiving

(C) Resetting

(D) Transmitting

Ans:- (B) Receiving

Q15. LED stands for ____________

Select one:

(A) Light End Diode

(B) Light Electrons Diode

(C) Light Electronics Diode

(D) Light Emitting Diode

Ans:- (D) Light Emitting Diode

Introduction to Computers – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q16. In Arduino IDE, by default each program is saved as __________

Select one:

(A) Draw_filename

(B) IDE_filename

(C) Sketch_filename

(D) new_filename

Ans:- (C) Sketch_filename

Q17. The  important component of Arduino is marked in red color. Name the component.

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) Digital pins

(B) None of them

(C) ATMEGA 328 microcontroller chip

(D) Analog pins

Ans:- (C) ATMEGA 328 microcontroller chip

Q18. In Arduino board,  the Analog pins (Anolog In in the below image) which are marked from A0 to A5 are used _______________.

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) Ground pins

(B) Only for inputs

(C) Only for outputs

(D) None of them

Ans:- (B) Only for inputs

Q19. Which library allows an Arduino board to control LCD?

Select one:

(A) Liquid crystal library

(B) SD library

(C) Wifi library

(D) I/O library

Ans:- (A) Liquid crystal library

Q20. What is the function of delay built-in function?

Select one:

(A) Pauses the program for certain amount of time

(B) Stop the execution of the program

(C) Compile the program

(D) Upload the program

Ans:- (A) Pauses the program for certain amount of time

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q21. What does pin 1-TX marked in red color below the picture, stands for ?

[ 100% Correct ] Arduino Test - Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Select one:

(A) Receiving

(B) Resetting

(C) Transmitting

(D) Ground

Ans:- (C) Transmitting

Q22. Which of the below command sets the cursor position in the LCD?

Select one:

(A) lcd.getcursor(0,0);

(B) lcd.oncursor(0,0);

(C) lcd.setcursor(0,0);

(D) lcd.putcursor(0,0);

Ans:- (C) lcd.setcursor(0,0);

Q23. Why do we need resistors in the electronic circuits ?

Select one:

(A) Interconnect the components in a breadboard

(B) Reduce the current flow or voltage

(C) To store the electrical energy

(D) Close the circuit

Ans:- (B) Reduce the current flow or voltage

Q24. The seven-segment display has seven________ arranged in the shape of number eight.

Select one:

(A) Anode

(B) Cathode

(C) LEDs

(D) Bulbs

Ans:- (C) LEDs

Q25. What does AVRA command do in Assembly program?

Select one:

(A) Installer

(B) Assembler that will generate a hex file

(C) Save the assembly code

(D) Delete the assembly code

Ans:- (B) Assembler that will generate a hex file

Introduction to Computers – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q26. In the code ldi r16, 0b00100000,  ldi stands for __________.

Select one:

(A) load immediate

(B) load instructions

(C) line immediate

(D) None of them

Ans:- (A) load immediate

Q27. What does the file #include <avr/io.h> contain?

Select one:

(A) libraries required to perform the input and output operations

(B) None of them

(C) libraries for the Makefile

(D) libraries for the delay function

Ans:- (A) libraries required to perform the input and output operations

Q28. In the below code, what does init represents?

LDI R16, 0b00100000

Select one:

(A) Library

(B) Subroutine name

(C) Program name

(D) None of them

Ans:- (B) Subroutine name

Q29. What does AVRDUDE command do in Assembly program?

Select one:

(A) Assemble the hex file

(B) Save the hex files

(C) Upload the hex file to the Arduino board

(D) Delete the hex file

Ans:- (C) Upload the hex file to the Arduino board

Q30. In the below code, semicolon represents ____________

;program to turn on the Dot LED
.include “/home/spoken/Assembly/m328Pdef.inc”
; Configure pin 13 on Arduino as Output
ldi r16, 0b00100000

Select one:

(A) None of them

(B) Library statement

(C) Executable code

(D) Comment statements


eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q31. What is the extension of the assembly program code?

Select one:

(A) .hex

(B) .asm

(C) .cpp

(D) assembly

Ans:- (B) .asm

Q32. With what extension the subroutine file is saved?

Select one:

(A) .s (in small letter)

(B) .S (in capital letter)

(C) None of them

(D) .sub

Ans:- (B) .S (in capital letter)

NOTE:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, kindly appear your test at your own knowledge

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Introduction to Computers – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

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