Bihar Secondary Education Board had conducted the Intermediate Exam and now. They had published the BSEB 12th Result on their official Website. If you are one of the 12th class students then you can check your BSEB 12th class result 2022 from the official website for Arts, Commerce, and Science stream.
BSEB 12th result 2022

Students will be able to access BSEB 12th result 2022 by roll number and roll code, so keep these credentials ready. Students can find these details on their Admit Card.
The wait for the Bihar Board 12th result 2022 is going to end. If you are also waiting for this then get ready because today the 12th class result will be released by BSEB. All the students can check their result through their roll number. For more information about the result, you should read the notification issued by the official website.
Bihar Board Class 12 result 2022 dates
Bihar Board Announced on their Twitter handle that the result will be published on this date and time.
Particular | Details |
Result Date | 16 March 2022 |
Bihar Board 12th Result Timing | 3 PM |
BSEB 12th Result 2022 Link
You can also bookmark our website in your browser to get live updates of BSEB Bihar Board 12th Result 2022. We will activate the result links given on our website as soon as the result is released by the official website of BSEB. You can get your result through these links. According to the latest information received by us, your result can be released at any time.
Bihar Board 12th result 2022
BSEB Bihar Board 12th Result 2022 is to be released only on the official website. We will provide you with the result links issued by the official website.
The result of the Arts, Science, and Commerce streams is to be released by BSEB. The examination for these subjects was conducted from February 1 to February 14, 2022. 13.6 lakh children from all over Bihar had participated in the examination. The result of this examination has not yet been released by the respective board.
How to check Bihar board 12th result 2022
- Go to the official web portal of Bihar Secondary Education Board and navigate through the important links section.
- There, You will be seeing a link labeled as Intermediate result and you will have to click on it.
- After clicking that link, You will be taken to a new page where your roll number and date of birth will be asked.
- Enter the Asked details and then click on the Show result button.
- Your Bihar board 12th result 2022 with a complete mark sheet will be displayed on the screen.
BSEB Official Link
I hope you had good marks in the BSEB 12th result, Here we are providing an official site link, You can visit and see the latest notifications from there.
Official Portal | Click Here |
Unique Jankari Homepage | Click Here |
You can download BSEB 12th Result From Above Button 12th Result Download.
BSEB 12th compartment / improvement exam how to apply
The Bihar State Examination Board has announced that they will set a re-evaluation process for those candidates who will not be satisfied with their secured marks. Bihar board inter exams were held from February 1 to 14, 2022. The expected time of BSEB 12th Result 2022 release is in March 2022. after successfully publishing the BSEB 12th Result 2022.
candidates can fill up the re-totaling form on those subjects that deserve their expected numbers. Students need to pay a certain amount for that application form, and at the time of filling the form, they have to write down the names of the papers and obtained marks. After that, students will get new numbers within 15 days of applying for re-totaling. The examination board has asked students to download the form from the official site