Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2022

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2022:- In this post, We have provided answers to Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6. We provided answers here only for reference. Please, do your assignment to your own knowledge.

About Developing Soft Skills and Personality

The course aims to cause a basic awareness about the significance of soft skills in professional and inter-personal communications and facilitate an all-round development of personality. Hard or technical skills help securing a basic position in one’s life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retain it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills.


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF YOUR AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND YOUR EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2022

1. Kuldeep is a major shareholder in “Milan Enterprises,” yet he finds it difficult to narrate his ideas in a Board Meeting and asks his personal assistant to do the talking. In terms of communication, how do you assess Kuldeep?

a. Kuldeep is an effective communicator.
b. Kuldeep is a born leader.
c. Kuldeep is an ineffective communicator. 
d. Kuldeep is comfortable if someone else can speak on his behalf. 
e. Kuldeep is the most sought-after person. 
f. Kuldeep is bad at soft skills. 

Answer:- c, d

2. Identify the appropriate statements concerning communication:

a. Communication is a complex interactive process. 
b. Effective communication does not involve shared assumptions.
c. Effective communication helps you achieve the intended response. 
d. Communication is not a necessity for humans.
e. Communication is a simple process.
f. Effective communication is a major characteristic of a good leader. 

Answer:- a, c, f

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2022

3. Identify the people who have communication barriers:

a. Ramya often uses homophones that confuse the listeners.
b. Rajeev is an open-minded person who converses with the rich and poor alike. 
c. Raman’s students never understand his lectures as he complicates simple things. 
d. Ramesh, despite being an ideologue, empathizes with other people and tries not to hurt others during an argument. 
e. Rashmika does not value others’ opinions and has a “know-it-all” attitude.
f. Mahesh always approaches a situation for a win-win solution.

Answer:- a, c, e

4. Dhanush is working as a general manager but is unable to connect with his employees. He uses his personal secretary Sathish to communicate for him. When Sathish went on a vacation, Dhanush struggled communication with his employees and ended up being aggressive and bossy. This caused misunderstandings; and so, the employees went on a strike. Pick the right pieces of advice to Dhanush for becoming an effective communicator in such a scenario?

a. Advice Dhanush to understand and listen to the needs of the employees.
b. Advise Dhanush to ignore the strike and wait for Sathish to return to deal with the situation. 
c. Advise Dhanush to be more empathetic by avoiding stereotypes such as managers know better than the less qualified employees.
d. Advise Dhanush to look at the problems from different perspectives.
e. Advise Dhanush to resign from the job.
f. Advise Dhanush to terminate all the employees and hire new ones.

Answer:- a, c, d

5. Identify those situations with interpersonal communication barriers:

a. The interviewer mistook Reema’s previous work experience as “nun” instead of “none” as she was not articulate enough.
b. Santhosh Kumar has a fixed mindset and will not accept any new ideas.
c. Rajan was feeling bad when his friends pranked him. He had an emotional outburst, and his friends consider him a crooked person from that day. 
d. Mala was very stressed and was unable to concentrate on the class.
e. Niranjana is a Keralite who asked for a “pot” using the Malayalam word “Kalam.” But the shopkeeper was from Uttar Pradesh and took the word “Kalam” for the Hindi word and handed her a pen. 
f. Akhtar is a composed person who speaks clearly without any complexity.

Answer:- a, c, e

6. Identify different ways of communication:

a. Body language
b. Sign language
c. Facial expression
d. Speaking
e. Presentations
f. Bus transportations

Answer:- a, b, c, d, e

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2022

7. Identify the scenarios with downward communication.

a. Thomas’s CEO ordered him to inform the workers regarding the new rules. 
b. Priya’s company discusses in groups to integrate the ideas for advertisement. 
c. Maniram’s manager ordered him to sell five thousand products within a month. 
d. Vikram’s grocery shop implements changes based on customer reviews. 
e. Deva’s company allows everyone to participate in making workplace rules. 
f. Amir’s five-star hotel relies on customers’ review of food. 

Answer:- a, c

8. Identify the reasons for barriers to ‘information flow’ in an organization:

a. Downward communication can distort and delay the information.
b. Information flow in an organization is flawless with no barriers. 
c. Distortion of a message causes trust issues between management and employees. 
d. The upward communication model negates clients’ opinions. 
e. Downward communication can conceal an information. 
f. Upward communication model dismantles the hierarchy. 

Answer:- a, c, e

9. Identify the ‘positive’ non-verbal communications:

a. Sitting with one’s leg on a desk with hands clasped behind the head. 
b. Steepling with the fingers.
c. Resting one’s head in the palm of one’s hand.
d. Making eye contact while talking to someone.
e. Assigning equal space for everyone in the workplace. 
f. Having a slumped posture. 

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

10. Identify the WRONG sentences pertaining to non-verbal communication:

a. Silence can be used as a powerful means of dominance. 
b. Non-verbal signals can contradict verbal meanings. 
c. Some non-verbal signs are universal and commonly accepted. 
d. Hands are the most powerful channels of non-verbal communication. 
e. Positive non-verbal signs are more noticeable than negative ones.
f. Awareness of your body language can help you control it. 

Answer:- d, e

11. What is a ‘communication barrier’?

a. It is an object that enhances communication. 
b. It is a model for an effective communication.
c. It is something that prevents active listening and careful response. 
d. It is a communication device that works through satellite signals. 
e. It is a process of a win-win solution. 
f. It is an online course on effective communication. 

Answer:- c

12. “Much ________ has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left _______.

a. communication, said
b. films, directed
c. happiness, said
d. unhappiness, unsaid
e. story, unwritten
f. communication, unsaid

Answer:- d

13. Identify the person with effective communication skills:

a. Sarah withdraws herself when someone approaches for a conversation. 
b. Ajay uses simple words instead of jargons while negotiating with customers. 
c. Preethi writes her novels without emotion, and her readers cannot empathize with characters. 
d. Tommy starts abusing the hecklers during his public speech. 
e. Abhishek beats around the bush while delivering an unpleasant news. 
f. Josephine finds fault with others in telephonic conversations. 

Answer:- b

14. Identify the personality barrier in communication:

a. The weather of the auditorium 
b. Honking sounds from the traffic jam near the yoga class
c. Inadequate lighting in a theatre 
d. Biased socio-cultural perceptions
e. A talkative person sitting beside an individual during a lecture
f. Speaker using a lot of technical terms

Answer:- d

15. What is NOT the appropriate way to overcome a communication barrier?

a. Explaining the context while using ambiguous words. 
b. Correlating intentions with positive non-verbal gestures. 
c. Using ambiguous words and technical jargons without explanations. 
d. Asking for a translator if one cannot understand the language. 
e. Understanding the cultural variations and pronunciations. 
f. Asking the speaker to reiterate an obscure idea. 

Answer:- c

16. Who is making use of technology appropriately?

a. Ajay communicates through WhatsApp with his friend residing next to his room. 
b. Akash forces his technologically ill-equipped grandparents to use the Zoom app, 
c. Meera exposes her personal life on Instagram to gain followers. 
d. Joseph avoids video calls if he can meet his friends in person. 
e. Sanjana finds it challenging to have a conversation in person as she is used to WhatsApp conversations. 
f. Savitri uses Snapchat to send official messages to her employees. 

Answer:- d

17. What is NOT the right way to eliminate an organizational communication barrier? 

a. Disseminating of information through several channels. 
b. Having a feedback system involving more than one source. 
c. Creating an open environment for interaction and feedback. 
d. Flattening the organizational structure. 
e. Maintaining the hierarchy of the downward communication model. 
f. Promoting horizontal communication. 

Answer:- e

18. What is the crux of the illustrative example of the anecdote between the husband and his wife (“My Wife’s Hearing”) discussed in the Lecture-32?

a. Husbands should avoid the household jobs assigned by their wives. 
b. Women should never marry a deaf man. 
c. Men should never marry a deaf woman. 
d. The position we hold gives us a certain perspective which makes it difficult to understand others with different outlook. 
e. Wives always knew better than their husbands. 
f. Husbands always knew better than their wives. 

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

19. Identify the body language that asserts dominance:

a. Slouching in a presentation.
b Sitting on the ground.
c. Occupying more space and sitting in an elevated position. 
d. Avoiding eye contact. 
e. Crossing the hands, legs, or ankles.
f. Smoking a cigarette. 

Answer:- c

20. Identify the worst non-verbal communicator:

a. Sunita wore a simple and neat saree to her job interview. 
b. Aman used a mild and pleasant perfume before attending a business meeting. 
c. Sita went to a fashion show decorating her face with piercings. 
d. Bhaskar went to a charity event wearing a decent dress. 
e. Varghese wore huge bracelets and colored his long hair as a preparation for army selection. 
f. Wasif wore his traditional dress during his sister’s marriage. 

Answer:- e

21. If you can have a face-to-face conversation, then, you should avoid SMS, WhatsApp, or email for effective communication. 

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

22. People maintain their appointments and meet deadlines according to their perceptions of time.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

23. Stimulus is a part of expanded communication model. 

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

24. The one with polychronic time perspective thinks that the time is linear. 

a. True
b. False

Answer:- b

25. Flattening of organization’s communication structure could help in effective communication. 

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2021

Q1. Match the quotations with the corresponding authors: 

a. “Half the world is filled with people who have something to say and cannot say it, and the other half, of people who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.” 
b. “Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.”   
c. “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” 
d. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” 
e. “Brevity is the soul of wit.” 
f. “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” 

1. Robert Frost 
2. William Shakespeare 
3. Tony Robbins 
4. Fyodor Dostoevsky 
5. Mark Twain 
6. George Bernard Shaw  

(A) a1, b3, c2, d5, e4, f6  

(B) a1, b4, c5, d6, e2, f3  

(C) a2, b4, c5, d6, e1, f3  

(D) a1, b5, c4, d6, e1, f3  

(E) a1, b3, c5, d6, e2, f4  

(F) a4, b1, c5, d6, e2, f3 

Ans:- (B) a1, b4, c5, d6, e2, f3  

Q2. The statement: “Flying planes can be dangerous,” is an ambiguous one. Using it in your communication without adequate contextual explanation would cause—  

(A) Effective communication 

(B) Pessimism  

(C) Paranoia  

(D) Ineffective communication  

(E) Poetic communication  

(F) Nonverbal communication 

Ans:- (D) Ineffective communication  

Q3. What is the deciding factor to determine the effectiveness of communication?  

(A) When the receiver waves her hand to indicate that she has fully understood the message.  

(B) When the receiver misunderstands the sender.  

(C) When the receiver sends a completely off-topic reply to the receiver.  

(D) When the receiver acknowledges and reciprocates in some form that she has fully understood the message and its subtext.  

(E) When the receiver asks the sender to explain his message again.  

(F) When the receiver sends no signal to the sender, with regards to either comprehending or misunderstanding the message.

Ans:- (D) When the receiver acknowledges and reciprocates in some form that she has fully understood the message and its subtext.  

Q4. When a wife who had promised to reach at 5.00 pm to go to the movies with her husband, reached at 8 pm, instead of getting angry with him, the husband remained calm and wanted to know first what made her come late. The husband possesses which of the following qualities: 

(A) Empathy 

(B) Apathy 

(C) Antipathy 

(D) Acquiescence 

(E) Hypocrisy 

(F) Slavishness

Ans:- (A) Empathy 

Q5. Many interpersonal proposals get rejected because the best  ________________ was not utilized. 

(A) sounding word 

(B) looking dress 

(C) astrological time 

(D) psychological moment 

(E) personal gift 

(F) bouquet

Ans:- (D) psychological moment 

Q6. Which of the following is NOT a barrier to information flow in organizations? 

(A) Democratic environment 

(B) Closed communication climate 

(C) Administrative hierarchy 

(D) Long lines of communication 

(E) Too many transfer stations 

(F) Lack of trust between management and employees

Ans:- For Answer Click Here

Q7. In your team, in office, there are twenty people from different cultural backgrounds. Which of the following is the best way to be a good communicative leader with them?  

(A) Enforce a strict disciplinary code. 

(B) Speak to them in a language that only some can understand. 

(C) First, try to understand the cultural background that each person comes from.  

(D) View every breach of discipline strictly and administer suitable punishment.  

(E) Enforce a “my way or highway policy.”  

(F) Report every breach of discipline to your boss, without allowing any room for dialogue. 

Ans:- (C) First, try to understand the cultural background that each person comes from.  

Q8. What according to you, is the most important lesson picked up by Steven Covey on the New York subway?  

(A) Discipline is a universal concept.  

(B) Empathy should be kept separate from decorum.  

(C) One does not need to communicate with someone, in order to understand what he/she is going through.  

(D) It is important to be patient, till you find the perfect moment for taking revenge.  

(E) It is important to learn things from someone else’s perspective, before arriving at a judgement.  

(F) Most of the problems in the world get resolved if one remains silent. 

Ans:- (E) It is important to learn things from someone else’s perspective, before arriving at a judgement.  

Q9. You are called by your boss to his office for a discussion. On entering the room, you find that he is sitting with his legs on the table, and hands clasped at the back of his head. You can interpret this non-verbal sign as an indication of?  

(A) Boredom  

(B) Friendliness 

(C) Overconfidence 

(D) Aggression 

(E) Depression 

(F) Indifference

Ans:- (B) Friendliness 

Q10. During a group discussion, a girl is turning her face away from you. You can interpret it as?  

(A) The person is hard of hearing.  

(B) Something in you is making her develop a sense of dislike for you.  

(C) Something in you is making her feel attracted towards you.  

(D) The person is dyslexic.  

(E) The person is cunning. 

(F) The person agrees with everything you say. 

Ans:- (B) Something in you is making her develop a sense of dislike for you.  

 Developing Soft Skills 6:- Questions 11 to 20 are Multiple Select Questions where more than one answers are correct. It has partial marking and hence carefully select the answer choices.For Example: if choice 1 and choice 2 are correct out of 4 choices, and if you select both choice 1 and choice 2, you will get full marks.If you select either choice 1 or choice 2 and did not select other choices, you will get partial marks.If you select choice 1 and choice 3 or choice 1 and choice 4, you will not get any marks.If you select choice 2 and choice 3 or choice 2 and choice 4, you will not get any marks.  Developing Soft Skills 6

Q11. For composing an effective email, identify what should you avoid doing from the following:  

(A) Be clear and concise.  

(B) Leave a blank subject line.  

(C) Keep on adding “Re” for “Reply,” every time you write a reply email.  

(D) Write only short and focused emails.  

(E) Type the body in full capital letters.  

(F) Use only well-known and common abbreviations. 

Ans:- (B), (C) & (E)

Q12. Use only well-known and common abbreviations.  

(A) The ability to cause the intended and desired response.  

(B) The ability to misguide people.  

(C) The ability to speak a lot even without any preparation.  

(D) The ability to influence people with your message.  

(E) The ability to use your emotional intelligence, to understand what to speak, how much to speak, and when to not speak.  

(F) The ability to use an extensive vocabulary to impress people with your command over the language.  

Ans:- (A) & (D)

Q13. Which of the following statements, if taken out of context can misguide the listener regarding their meaning?  

(A) Manali gave a bath to her dog wearing a pink t-shirt.  

(B) You can’t have your cake and eat it too.  

(C) It is important to understand the problem, before reaching for the solution.  

(D) I saw someone on the hill with a telescope.  

(E) Children make nutritious snacks.  

(F) The chicken is ready to eat. 

Ans:- (A), (B) & (D)

Q14. Which of the following are components of effective communication?  

(A) Genuineness and interest  

(B) Empathy and a sense of timing  

(C) Ability to trick people  

(D) Ability to talk very loudly  

(E) Making the act of listening to the speaker a worthwhile experience.  

(F) Ability to make sarcastic comments. 

Ans:- For Answer Click Here

Q15. Which of the following are part of personality barriers in communication?  

(A) Difference in the color of shoes between the speaker and listener  

(B) Difference in clothing between the speaker and listener  

(C) Difference in cultural backgrounds of the speaker and listener  

(D) Difference in the speed of speaking between the two  

(E) Difference in the physical strength between the two  

(F) Difference in sense of perception between the two 

Ans:- (C) & (F)

Q16. Which of the following are part of emotional barriers to effective communication?  

(A) Fear 

(B) Storm 

(C) Anger 

(D) Jealousy 

(E) Acoustics 

(F) Low self-esteem

Ans:- (A), (C), (D) & (F)

Q17. What are some of the overcoming strategies for language barriers in communication?  

(A) Whenever you use a polysemous word make the context very clear.  

(B) While speaking, correlate your intentions with positive non-verbal gestures.  

(C) Try to include clever wordplay in every sentence.   

(D) Ask questions and seek feedback, till you are sure that your intended message has been effectively delivered. 

(E) Try to use rhyming words, even at the cost of sacrificing meanings, wherever possible. 

(F) Be as clear and concise as possible with your message. 

Ans:- (A), (B), (D) & (F)

Q18. Suggest possible ways in which one can surmount organizational barriers to effective communication?  

(A) Flattening of organizational structure  

(B) Promoting horizontal communication  

(C) Enforcing dictatorship  

(D) Promoting a democratic style of leadership 

(E) Providing sufficient information through formal channels  

(F) Always asking for feedback from employees 

Ans:- For Answer Click Here

Q19. Involuntary body language reveals a person’s:  

(A) Stated feelings 

(B) True feelings 

(C) Fake feelings 

(D) Day dreaming 

(E) Level of education 

(F) Inner thoughts

Ans:- (B) & (F)

Q20. One can overcome an angry tone in interpersonal transactions by:  

(A) Imposing one’s view 

(B) Lowering of voice 

(C) Supremacy 

(D) Exhibiting bitterness 

(E) Gaining the trust of the other person 

(F) Maintaining calmness

Ans:- (B), (E) & (F)

Developing Soft Skills 6:- Question No 21 to 25 contents true or false type Questions

Q21. Silence can be used as a powerful means of dominance. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (A) True

Q22. Communication is a one-way process involving shared assumptions and unspoken agreements. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (B) False

Q23. Communication is a one-way process involving shared assumptions and unspoken agreements. 

(A) True  

(B) False

Ans:- (B) False

Q24. Maximum use of technological aids for communication enhances the effectiveness of communication.  

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- For Answer Click Here

Q25. Love as well as hatred can act as barriers to communication. However, rather than love, hatred interferes more as a barrier in communication.

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (A) True 

Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 6 Answers 2021:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.



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