NPTEL Natural Language Processing Week 6 Assignment Solutions
NPTEL Natural Language Processing Week 6 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Which of the following is/are true about the Chu-Liu-Edmonds Algorithm?
- Each vertex in the graph greedily selects the incoming edge with the highest weight
- During the iteration of algorithm it always produce minimum spanning tree
- During the iteration of algorithm it never produces cycle
- The running time of the Algorithm is O(E) where V be the set of nodes and E be the set
of directed edges
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2. With respect to a Dependency Structure, which of the following is not a valid criterion for a syntactic relation between a head H and a dependent D in a construction C?
- The form of D depends on H.
- The form of H depends on D.
- H selects D and determines whether D is obligatory.
- H specifies D.
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3. Consider the sentence: “Ramesh scored a brilliant century”. What is the type of the following relation?
century -> brilliant
- Endocentric
- Exocentric
- Both endocentric and exocentric
- None of the above
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4. Which of the following is /are false about data driven deterministic parsing?
- Deterministic parsing requires an oracle
- An oracle can be approximated by a classifier
- A classifier can be trained using treebank data
- None of the above
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5. Suppose you write down the sequence of actions that generate the parse tree of the sentence “I prefer ChatGPT course” using Arc-Eager Parsing. The number of times you have to use Right Arc, Left Arc, Reduce, Shift is: Format of the answer is [a, b, c, d] corresponding to the 4 values in the order specified in the query.
- [3, 0, 2, 1]
- [1,2, 1, 3]
- [1, 2, 0, 3]
- [1, 2, 0, 2]
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6. Correct sequence of actions that generates the parse tree of the sentence “I prefer ChatGPT course” using Arc-Eager Parsing is:
Note: Right Arc (RA), Left Arc(LA), Reduce(RE), Shift(SH)
- SH->LA-> SH->SH->LA->RA
- SH->LA->SH->RE->LA->RA
- SH->LA-> SH->SH->RA->LA
- SH->LA->RE–>SH->SH->LA
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8. Which of the following is true about the formal conditions on dependency graph?
- Graph G is connected and projective
- G is connected but not acyclic
- G acyclic and obeys the single head constant
- Both 1 and 3
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