Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2022

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2022:- In this post, We have provided answers to the Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7. We provided answers here only for reference. Please, do your assignment to your own knowledge.

About Developing Soft Skills and Personality

The course aims to cause a basic awareness of the significance of soft skills in professional and interpersonal communications and facilitate all-around personality development. Hard or technical skills help secure a basic position in one’s life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retains it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills.


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF YOUR AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND YOUR EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2022

1. What are the three Cs that should be kept in mind while interpreting nonverbal cues?

a. Context
b. Choice
c. Change
d. Class
e. Caste
f. Cluster

Answer:- a, c, f

2. Which of the following phrases suggest the importance of non-verbal communication?

a. “Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say.”
b. “Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.”
c. “A picture speaks a thousand words.”
d. “Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.”
e. “I do listen. I just wait for the words to stop and your eyes to speak.”
f. “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.”

Answer:- b, c, e, f

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2022

3. According to Ekman and Friesen, non-verbal communication can affect verbal meaning in many ways. Choose the correct options with respect to this notion of non-verbal communication:

a. It repeats what is said verbally.
b. It complements verbal meaning.
c. It makes verbal communication useless.
d. It contradicts verbal meaning.
e. It substitutes for verbal meaning.
f. It tries to eliminate verbal communication.

Answer:- a, b, d, e

4. Non-verbal communication can be regulated through both voluntary and involuntary body language. Which of the following are voluntary ways of communicating without words?

a. Nodding to indicate interest
b. Dilation of pupils
c. Increased heartbeat
d. Sweating in stressful situations
e. Holding hands to show affection
f. Maintaining eye-contact

Answer:- a, e, f

5. Suman is appearing for a job interview. How can she make use of Chronemics to affect her performance positively?

a. She should arrive late to show self-importance.
b. She should shake hands firmly to display confidence.
c. She should arrive before time to indicate her preparedness.
d. She should give enough time to prepare for the interview in the preceding days.
e. She should maintain eye-contact with her competitors.
f. She should take a lot of time to respond to her interview call.

Answer:- c, d

6. While walking in a narrow lane, Simran clutches her purse tightly. She takes quick steps and tries to avoid looking at strangers. She also maintains physical distance from strangers. She raises her hand to say “no” to a street seller. As she crosses the street and goes to the main road, she sighs with relief. Which of the following can be clearly inferred from this situation?

a.. Simran is happy and excited as she walks in the narrow lane.
b. Simran has made no use of non-verbal communication in the given situation.
c. Simran is scared and nervous to be walking in the narrow lane.
d. Simran maintaining distance from strangers indicates her avoidance of strangers into her personal space.
e. As Simran avoids maintaining any eye-contact, she is making positive use of Haptics.
f. Simran’s sigh of relief can be considered an act of verbal communication.

Answer:- c, d

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2022

7. Which of the following are bodily indicators of showing interest?

a. Sonam tilts her head as she listens intently to Riya’s speech.
b. Pritam leans in as he listens to Rahil talk about his script.
c. Ritik crosses his arms tightly and taps his foot urgently in a lecture.
d. Gaurav nods as he listens to Tara’s suggestions in a group meeting.
e. Harsha constantly rubs her nose and blinks her eyes while listening to her friend’s presentation.
f. Radhika bites her nails and looks away as her boss approaches her.

Answer:- a, b, d

8. Choose some of the characteristics of competent communicators:

a. They monitor and regulate their non-verbal messages.
b. They have a limited range of non-verbal behaviors to use in different situations.
c. They have a great sense of control over their bodies and gestures.
d. They are aware of their body language and use it effectively.
e. They are observant of their audience’s non-verbal cues.
f. They are quick to make negative judgments about their audience.

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

9. Which of the following are some of the components of Paralanguage?

Answer:- a, b, e

10. As an interviewer for a Primary Teacher position, which of the following qualities would you look for in an individual?

Answer:- a, b, c, f

11. Tarun and Vishal participate in a highly competitive group discussion. While making his argument, Tarun yells aggressively at one of the participants. He also keeps his hands clasped behind his head. Whereas Vishal speaks too softly and maintains a low and bent posture to show subservience to other participants. Which one of the two is likely to be selected?

Answer:- f

12. Which of the following poses a major challenge to interpreting to correctly analyzing non-verbal cues?

Answer:- d

13. Match the following:

Answer:- d

14. During a robbery interrogation, Aman and Latika are questioned. Based on the examination of non-verbal cues, the police officer decides that Aman is lying. Which of the following could be one of those non-verbal indicators?

Answer:- e

15. “The body never lies,” is a quote by:

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

16. Identify the item that one should not wear for an interview:

Answer:- f

17. In a Group Discussion, one’s sense of coordination and cooperation is NOT reflected in:

Answer:- a

18. Albert Mehrabian’s text about non-verbal communication is called:

Answer:- a

19. Three primary dimensions of non-verbal cues given by Mehrabian includes which of the following?

Answer:- d

20. Which of the following is NOT true about non-verbal communication?

Answer:- c

21. To hire wealthy and powerful candidates is an important purpose of interviews.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- b

22. In a Group Discussion, the examiner assesses the candidate’s communication skills, knowledge, personality, and leadership skills.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

23. One should behave for the professional position one desires.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

24. It is possible for gestures and body movements to have different meanings across the world.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

25. Genetic understanding of Non-Verbal Communication Skills suggests that it can be acquired with time.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2021

Q1. Which of the following are true regarding non-verbal communication?  

  • (A) Non-verbal communication can contradict verbal meaning.  
  • (B) The face is the most powerful channel for non-verbal communication.  
  • (C) Being silent ensures that you block off all forms of communication.  
  • (D) Non-verbal communication is not as effective as verbal communication.  
  • (E) Non-verbal communication can be used as a substitute for verbal communication.  
  • (F) We tend to move away from the people that we dislike. 

Ans:- (A), (B) & (E)

Q2. Which of the following are functions of non-verbal communication?  

  • (A) Convey spiritual messages.  
  • (B) Complement or clarify verbal meaning.  
  • (C) Regulate verbal interaction.  
  • (D) Misguide the listener.  
  • (E) Prove that human communication is better than that of the animals. 
  • (F) Provoke the listener. 

Ans:- (B) & (C)

Q3. Which of these are part of the six basic non-verbal expressions of communication?  

(A) Anger 

(B) Disgust 

(C) Tyranny 

(D) Sadness 

(E) Fear 

(F) Corruption 

(G) Hunger

Ans:- (A), (B), (D) & (E)

Q4. In which of the following situations will people tend to avoid eye contact?  

(A) If they are shy 

(B) If they are in the presence of strangers in a public space 

(C) If they are very friendly and are meeting familiar people 

(D) If they are incredibly interested in what the speaker is saying 

(E) If they are news readers 

(F) If they are honest in communication  

Ans:- (A) & (B)

Q5. If you are in America, which of the following body language traits can you expect?  

(A) Firm handshake when somebody visits your house as a guest.  

(B) People touching your feet on visiting your house.  

(C) People looking directly into your eyes when they shake your hands.  

(D) People kissing your cheeks when they see you for the first time.  

(E) People staring at you in public.  

(F) People bowing at you deeply whenever they meet you. 

Ans:- (A) & (C)

Q6. When you invade someone’s personal space, what kind of reactions can you expect?  

(A) Aggression 

(B) Avoiding eye contact 

(C) Placing objects in between 

(D) Turning attention elsewhere 

(E) Becoming affectionate 

(F) Warm handshake

Ans:- (A), (B), (C) & (D)

Q7. Which of the following would you select as differences between monochronic and polychronic time?  

(A) Time is a scarce resource versus time is a non-existent resource. 

(B) Time is a scarce resource versus time is a flexible resource.  

(C) Time needs to be rationed and controlled versus time needs to be used in a malleable and harmonious manner.  

(D) Time is something that needs to be strictly regimented in terms of scheduling and arranging appointments, versus time is something that can be used for multi-tasking and allowing people to drop in whenever they want.   

(E) Time is something that needs to be strictly adhered to versus time is something that can be completely ignored.  

(F) Time is correlative versus time is cumulative. 

Ans:- (B), (C) & (D)

Q8. Which of the following implications can be made from one’s silence? 

(A) The person is searching for answers.  

(B) The person is feeling very agitated.  

(C) The person wants to avoid you.  

(D) The person is embarrassed about something.  

(E) The person is really content and comfortable with you.  

(F) The person is very forgetful. 

Ans:- (A), (C), (D) & (E)

Q9. Which of the following body language gestures will be considered defensive?  

(A) Steepled hands 

(B) Crossing arms while slouched 

(C) Feet pointing towards someone while standing in an upright position 

(D) Open palm 

(E) Feet pointing away from someone while standing in an upright position 

(F) Women tucking a lock of hair behind their earlobes 

Ans:- (B) & (E)

Q10. Why should we learn body language?  

(A) To be more conscious of the messages we are sending out to society, mostly unintentionally.  

(B) To be able to misguide people with mixed signals.  

(C) To learn positive open gestures to communicate with other and to eliminate gestures that may give negative signals.  

(D) Because we are unable to learn a foreign language.  

(E) Because we are not good at writing.  

(F) Because we can learn to feel more comfortable with people and become more acceptable to them. 

Ans:- (A), (C) & (F)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 7 Answers 2021:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.



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