Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers

Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge

What is Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality?

The Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality course aims to cause an enhanced awareness about the significance of soft skills in professional and inter-personal communications and facilitate an all-round development of personality. Hard or technical skills help securing a basic position in one’s life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retain it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills. The focus of this course is on interpersonal and management skills.


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers 2022:-

Q1. Donna Haraway thinks that human beings are cyborgs because:

  1. They are intimately linked with technology
  2. Technology is more important than humans
  3. Human identity is shaped and defined by technology
  4. There are more and more machines in the world
  5. Human beings desire to be robots
  6. She likes robots more than human beings

Answer:- (1), (3) & (4)


Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers

Q2. Which of the following are NOT among the Five Cardinal Principles of Soft Skills and Personality Development?

  1. Planning
  2. Perseverance
  3. Popularity
  4. Persuasiveness
  5. Prejudice
  6. Power
  7. Presentability

Answer:- (3), (5)

Q3. Choose the components of Effective Communication from among the following:

  1. Timing Sense
  2. Interest
  3. Verbosity
  4. Confidence
  5. Dominance
  6. Clarity

Answer:- (1), (2), (4) & (6)

Q4. Which of the following are methods of Non-Verbal Communication?

  1. Body Language 
  2. E-mails 
  3. Signs and Symbols 
  4. Posting letters 
  5. Displaying messages in notice board 
  6. Haptics 
  7. Eye-contact

Answer:- (1), (6) & (7)

Q5. Identify the non-verbal cues which indicate interest in something or someone: 

  1. Smile 
  2. Lean in to listen intently 
  3. Avoid eye-contact 
  4. Fold or close your arms 
  5. Nod while listening 
  6. Tap your foot

Answer:- (1), (2) & (5)

Q6. One can overcome failures by: 

  1. Changing strategies and working harder 
  2. Learning from mistakes 
  3. Engaging in a positive self-talk 
  4. Exaggerating the situation 
  5. Willing to take new risks 
  6. Developing a fixed mindset

Answer:- (1), (2), (3) & (5)

Q7. Identify the stereotypical statements: 

  1. “Women are not wise like men.” 
  2. “All terrorism is rooted in religion.” 
  3. “Sun rises in the East.” 
  4. “Humans are mortals.” 
  5. “A cobbler’s son can only become a cobbler.” 
  6. “Planets revolve around the sun.” 
  7. “Humans breathe oxygen.”

Answer:- (1), (2) & (5)

Q8. According to the Hawthorne Experiment, the productivity of workers depends really on:

  1. Managerial attention 
  2. Tidy workplace 
  3. Negative feedbacks 
  4. Sense of privileged position 
  5. Long working hours 
  6. Sense of esteem 
  7. Awareness of being observed

Answer:- (1), (6)

Q9. How NOT to deal with criticism/critics?

  1. Feel hurt by the critical opinion 
  2. Try to reflect on the actual points 
  3. Criticise them back 
  4. Be receptive to critical people
  5. Close all communication channels with the critics 
  6. Deny the criticism outright 
  7. Appreciate the person for constructive criticism

Answer:- (1), (3) &(5)

Q10. Identify the ways to develop a growth mindset:

  1. Always be motivated and limitless like a baby 
  2. Learn to live with critical people 
  3. Have a negative self-talk 
  4. Do not be vulnerable to stereotypical threats 
  5. Stop learning after school/college 
  6. Always stay in a comfortable zone 
  7. Belong where you need to be

Answer:- (1), (2) & (4)


Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers

Q11. Proxemics refers to:

  1. Use of eye-contact for communication
  2. Use of silence for communication
  3. Use of interpersonal space for communication
  4. Use of touch for communication
  5. Use of technology for communication
  6. Use of proxy for communication

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q12. The three primary dimensions of understanding non-verbal cues do NOT include:

  1. Immediacy
  2. Silence
  3. Arousal
  4. Dominance
  5. Immediacy and Dominance
  6. Arousal and Dominance

Answer:- 2.Silence

Q13. What is not the main objective of Public Speaking?

  1. To educate
  2. To influence
  3. To entertain
  4. To intimidate
  5. To politicise
  6. To polarise

Answer:- 4. To intimidate

Q14. Which among the following is NOT the apt way of Conflict Resolution?

  1. Negotiation
  2. Aggression
  3. Arbitration
  4. Mediation
  5. Clarification
  6. Accommodation

Answer:- 2. Aggression

Q15. “It’s too tough for me . . . I can’t do it” would be a statement from a person with a/an:

  1. Offensive mindset
  2. Growth mindset
  3. Fixed mindset
  4. Group mindset
  5. Environmentalist mindset
  6. Romantic mindset

Answer:- 3. Fixed mindset

Q16. What is the right thing to do in a relationship if a partner commits a mistake?

  1. Do not point out the mistake, fearing to hurt him/her
  2. Prove your unconditional love by standing by him/her despite the mistake
  3. Leave the person and stop talking to him/her without telling the reason
  4. Be gently critical of the mistake and let him/her know about it
  5. Appreciate him/her despite his/her mistake
  6. Discuss openly his/her mistake with your family and embarrass the partner

Answer:- 4. Be gently critical of the mistake and let him/her know about it

Q17. Identify the INCORRECT statement about growth mindset:

  1. With a growth mindset, one can learn from any unfamiliar field
  2. People with a growth mindset view challenges as opportunities
  3. With a growth mindset, one can benefit from failures
  4. Laziness is the result of growth mindset
  5. People with a growth mindset think everything is possible
  6. Success is not dependent on luck but on hard work and strategies

Answer:- 4. Laziness is the result of growth mindset


Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers

Q18. Which quote/proverb indicates the growth mindset?

  1. “You are never too old to learn something new, or too too young to learn too much.”
  2. “Barking dogs seldom bite.”
  3. “A fool and his money are soon parted.”
  4. “An empty vessel makes much noise.”
  5. “Cross the stream where it is shallowest.”
  6. “A leopard cannot change its spots.”

Answer:- 1. “You are never too old to learn something new, or too too young to learn too much.”

Q19. Believing and internalising other’s views on oneself can lead to:

  1. Growth mindset
  2. Overwhelming success
  3. Stereotypical threat
  4. Improved performance
  5. Escalation of self-worth
  6. Healthier relationship with colleagues

Answer:- 3. Stereotypical threat

Q20. The experiment conducted by Catherine Good found that:

  1. Sense of belonging will improve the performance
  2. Women are not interested in STEM
  3. Academic group does not affect performance
  4. Stereotype threats are an illusion
  5. Europeans are genetically smart
  6. Empathy is a negative emotion

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q21. Soft skills for non-verbal communication cannot be cultivated.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer:- 2. False

Q22. “Field Independence” is one the twelve principles of spiritual awareness given by Danah Zohar.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer:- 1. True

Q23. Poor performance reflects one’s personality or intelligence.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer:- 2. False

Q24. Unlike babies, adults are prone to develop fixity by yielding to the stereotype threats.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer:- 1. True

Q25. Mobile phone addiction is called Nomophobia.

  1. True
  2. False


Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers

Answer:- 1. True

Enhancing Soft Skills And Personality NPTEL Assignment 1 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge

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