Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 Answers 2022

NPTEL Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 Answers 2022:- In this post, We have provided answers of the NPTEL Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

NPTEL Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 Answers 2022 [July-Dec]

Q1. Aristotle was one of the firsts to attempt to codify “thinking”. His _________ provided patterns of argument structure that always gave correct conclusions, given correct premises

A. deductions
B. formalism
C. syllogisms
D. axioms

Answer:- c

2. Turing test or Imitation Game, was put forth as a simple test that could be used to _______

A. prove machines could think.
B. break the enigma code.
C. show human are intelligent.
D. show machines can compute.

Answer:- a

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Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 Answers 2022

3. Overall computational cost of a AI Production System is in two major categories: Rule Application Cost and Control Strategy Cost. For an Uninformed Control System, we have the following:

A. Low Rule Application Cost and High Control Strategy Cost
B. Low Rule Application Cost and Low Control Strategy Cost
C. High Rule Application Cost and Low Control Strategy Cost
D. High Rule Application Cost and High Control Strategy Cost

Answer:- c

4. For more complex games, such as chess or checker the AND/OR search to termination is out of question. Which of the following statements are true?
I. Our goal in searching such a game tree might be, instead, merely to find a good first move.
II. Extract from the search graph an estimate of the ‘best’ first move.

A. Both I and II.
B. Only II
C. Only I
D. Both I and II are false.

Answer:- a

5. For Breadth First Search, the following statements are correct

A. Fringe is a FIFO queue
B. Fringe is a LIFO queue
C. Deepest node is expanded first.
D. Nodes are added to the front of the OPEN list.

Answer:- a

6. Bidirectional search is a graph search algorithm that runs two simultaneous searches. Which of the following statements is false for bidirectional search? .

A. Requires the ability to generate predecessor states.
B. Bidirectional search is always optimal.
C. Stop when the frontiers intersect.
D. Works well only when there are unique start and goal states

Answer:- b

👇For Week 02 Assignment Answers👇

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Assignment 1 Answers 2022

7. There are two distinct specialized production systems; Order in which a set of applicable rules is applied to a database is unimportant for a ________ production system.

A. Decomposable
B. Commutative
C. Specialized

Answer:- b

8. To solve a problem using a production system, one must specify __________________

A. The Global database, Rules and Control Strategy
B. Some search technique
C. Initial facts only
D. Constraints

Answer:- a

9. __________ aims at building machines that act intelligently, without taking a position on whether or not the machines actually are intelligent.

A. Weak AI
B. Strong AI
C. Connectionist AI
D. Symbolic AI

Answer:- b

10. The AO* algorithm can best be seen as the following TWO major operations:

A. Step I: Top-down: graph-growing; Step II: Bottom-up: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling.
B. Step I: Bottom-up: graph-growing; Step II: Top-down: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling.
C. Step I: Top-down: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; Step II: Bottom-up: cost-revising.
D. Step I: Bottom-up: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; Step II: Top-down: cost-revising.

Answer:- a

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About Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence

What does automatic scheduling or autonomous driving have in common with web search, speech recognition, and machine translation? These are complex real-world problems that span across various practices of engineering! Aim of artificial intelligence (AI) is to tackle these problems with rigorous mathematical tools. The objective of this course is to present an overview of the principles and practices of AI to address such complex real-world problems. The course is designed to develop a basic understanding of problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning and learning methods of AI.


  • Week 1:    AI and Problem Solving by Search
  • Week 2:    Problem Solving by Search
  • Week 3:    Problem Solving by Search
  • Week 4:    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Week 5:    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Week 6:    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Week 7:    Reasoning under Uncertainty
  • Week 8:    Planning
  • Week 9:    Planning and Decision Making 
  • Week 10:  Machine Learning
  • Week 11:  Machine Learning
  • Week 12:  Machine Learning


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Note:- We do not claim 100% Surety of Answers, we urge to your assignment at you own Knowledge.

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