Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers

Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

What is Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning?

An intelligent agent needs to be able to solve problems in its world. The ability to create representations of the domain of interest and reason with these representations is a key to intelligence. In this course we explore a variety of representation formalisms and the associated algorithms for reasoning. We start with a simple language of propositions, and move on to first order logic, and then to representations for reasoning about action, change, situations, and about other agents in incomplete information situations. This course is a companion to the course “Artificial Intelligence: Search Methods for Problem Solving” that was offered recently and the lectures for which are available online. 


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers 2022:

Q1. Select the correct statements about Horn Clauses.

Answer:- c, d, e

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Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers

Q2.Which of the following can be expressed as a set of Horn Clauses? Hint: use the rules of substitution to convert to clause form.

Answer: a, b, c

Q3. Each option below has a pair of predicates expressed in SWI Prolog. Identify which pairs are unifiable. Use SWI Prolog to investigate term unification.

Answer: b, c

Q4. The Prolog program given below defines natural numbers using zero and a successor function and defines three versions of LessThan predicate. Assume that all the predicates take only natural numbers defined by nat. Use SWI Prolog to study these predicates then answer the question.

Answer: c

Q5. Select the predicate that defines the length of a list L as a number N.

Answer: a

Q6. Select the predicate that defines the sum of the elements in a list L as a number N.

Answer:- c

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Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers

Q7. The body of sameAs rule in Line 2 is ____________ .

Answer: b

Q8. The body of prefixOf rule in Line 4 is ____________ .

Answer: a

Q9. The body of suffixOf rule in Line 5 is ____________ .

Answer: b

Q10. The body of sublist rule in Line 7 is ____________ .

Answer: a

Q11. The body of subseq rule in Line 10 is ____________ .

Answer: e

Q12. Consider the built in predicate append(X,Y,Z) in SWI Prolog. List all the solutions to the query append(X,Y,[2,0,2,2,0,2,2,8]). What is the total number of solutions listed by SWI Prolog? Enter a number in the textbox. DO NOT ENTER EXTRANEOUS CHARACTERS LIKE SPACES, TABS, DOTS, PLUS, etc.

Answer: 9

Q13. Select the correct options.

Answer:- d

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Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers

Disclaimer:- We do not claim 100% surety of solutions, these solutions are based on our sole expertise, and by using posting these answers we are simply looking to help students as a reference, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

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Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning Assessment 6 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

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