NPTEL Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 Answers 2023

Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 Answers 2023:- In this post, We have provided answers of NPTEL Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 . We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

NPTEL Cyber Security and Privacy Week 4 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Which term is used to describe detailed statements of what must be done to comply with policy?

  • Policies
  • Standards
  • Ethics
  • Governance
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2. Management must use ——————-as the basis for all information security planning, design, and deployment.

  • Standards
  • Procedures
  • Policies
  • Best business practices
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3. Which type of planning ensures that critical business functions continue if a catastrophic incident or disaster occurs?

  • Business continuity planning (BCP)
  • Contingency planning (CP)
  • Business resumption planning (BRP)
  • Disaster recovery planning (DRP)
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4. ————– policy can be separated into two general groups (a) managerial guidance and (b) technical specifications. Select the correct options

  • Systems-Specific Security
  • Issue-Specific Security
  • Enterprise Information Security
  • None of these
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5. The actions taken during and after a disaster falls under —————-

  • Impact assessment
  • Risk management
  • Crisis management
  • Both (a) & (b)
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5. The actions taken during and after a disaster falls under —————-

  • Impact assessment
  • Risk management
  • Crisis management
  • Both (a) & (b)
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6. Special Publication 800-14 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines three types of security policy and chooses the

  • Violations of Policy, Business continuity planning, Response planning
  • A disaster recovery, Incident response planning, and Business continuity planning
  • Issue-specific security, Systems-specific security, Enterprise information security
  • Enterprise information security, Violations of Policy, Response planning
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7. What are the elements of a business impact analysis?

  1. Threat attack identification
  2. Business unit analysis
  3. Attack success scenario development
  4. Potential damage assessment
  5. Subordinate plan classification
  6. Risk management
  7. Disaster management

The elements of a business impact analysis are:

1,2,3,4,5 correct
1,2,3,5,6 correct
2,3,5,6,7 correct
All are correct

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8. Access control lists (ACLs) that govern the rights and privileges of users consist of the

  1. User access lists,
  2. Matrices,
  3. Capability, and
  4. Dedicated hardware

Choose the correct answer

1,2,3,4 are true
1,2,3 are true
Only 4 is true
All are true

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9. The instructions a system administrator codes into a server, networking device, or a device to specify how it operates is called

  • Administration rule
  • Configuration rules
  • Networking rules
  • Security rule
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10. Information security safeguards focus on administrative planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and that are designed by strategic planners and implemented by the organization’s security administration. These safeguards include governance and risk management together known as

  • Managerial controls
  • Operational controls
  • Technical controls
  • None of these
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11. A lattice-based access control with rows of attributes associated with a particular subject such as a user is called

  • Access control matrix
  • Capabilities table
  • Configuration table
  • All of above
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About Cryptography And Network Security

The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the areas of cryptography and cryptanalysis. This course develops a basic understanding of the algorithms used to protect users online and to understand some of the design choices behind these algorithms. Our aim is to develop a workable knowledge of the mathematics used in cryptology in this course. The course emphasizes giving a basic understanding of previous attacks on cryptosystems with the aim of preventing future attacks. A wide variety of basic cryptographic primitives will be discussed along with recent developments in some advanced topics like identity-based encryption, attribute-based encryption, functional encryption, two-party/multi-party computation, bitcoin and crypto-currency and postquantum cryptography. The cryptanalysis part will help us understand challenges for cybersecurity that includes network security, data security, mobile security, cloud security and endpoint security. 


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Cryptography And Network Security
Assignment Answers 2022
Answer Link
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Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 Answers 2022

1. x3+x+1 over R is a ………

(a) reducible polynomial
(b) irreducible polynomial
(c) both(a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)

Answer:- b

2. Let f{x)= 2x2+3x+3 and g(x) = 3x2+2x+1. Then the degree of f(x) + g{x) over Z5 is

(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 0

Answer:- b

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NPTEL Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 Answers 2023

3. What is the remainder when 3444 + 4333 is divided by 5?

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

Answer:- a

4. If p is an odd prime, then there are ……. quadratic residues.

(a) p
(b) p-1
(c) (p-1)/2
(d) (p+1)/2

Answer:- c

5. The quadratic residues mod 11 are ….

(a) 1,3,4,5,9
(b) 1,2,3,4
(c) 1,3,5,7,8,9
(d) None of these

Answer:- a

6. What is the remainder when 666 is divided by 7?

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6

Answer:- a

👇For Week 05 Assignment Answers👇

NPTEL Cryptography And Network Security Assignment 4 Answers 2023

7. Let p = 8 and q = 19. Then ó(Pg)= ..

(a) 70
(b) 57
(c) 38
(d) 72

Answer:- d

8. Last digit of 32022 …

(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9

Answer:- d

9. If ged(a, n) = 1, then aon) = 1 (mod n), where o(n) is Euler’s totient function. The above statement is ..

(a) True
(b) False

Answer:- a

10. Let f(x) = 3x3 +2x +1 and g(x) = x2+4x +1. Then the degree of f(x) * g(x) over Zs is

(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 5

Answer:- d

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  • Week 1: Introduction to cryptography, Classical Cryptosystem, Block Cipher. 
  • Week 2: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES, Modes of Operation, Stream Cipher. 
  • Week 3: LFSR based Stream Cipher, Mathematical background, Abstract algebra, Number Theory. 
  • Week 4: Modular Inverse, Extended Euclid Algorithm, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Euler Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem. 
  • Week 5: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Introduction to Public Key Cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Knapsack Cryptosystem, RSA Cryptosystem. 
  • Week 6: Primarily Testing, ElGamal Cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve over the Reals, Elliptic curve Modulo a Prime. 
  • Week 7: Generalized ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem, Rabin Cryptosystem. 
  • Week 8 : Message Authentication, Digital Signature, Key Management, Key Exchange, Hash Function. 
  • Week 9 : Cryptographic Hash Function, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Digital Signature Standard (DSS). 
  • Week 10: Cryptanalysis, Time-Memory Trade-off Attack, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis. 
  • Week 11: Cryptanalysis on Stream Cipher, Modern Stream Ciphers, Shamir’s secret sharing and BE, Identity-based Encryption (IBE), Attribute-based Encryption (ABE). 
  • Week 12: Side-channel attack, The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), Introduction to Quantum Cryptography, Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.  

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