NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 3 Answers: 2023:- All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment to your own knowledge.
NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 3 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Consider the relation Payments as follows:

a) UPI
b) Cash
d) Card
Answer :-
2. Consider the relation Payments as follows:

Which of the TransactionIDs will NOT be present in the output of R1-R2?
a) 42
b) 15
c) 14
d) 4
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
3. Consider the relation Content (Channel, VideoTitle, Likes, Dislikes).
Choose the correct Tuple Relational Calculus that represents the following statement:
“Display the titles of those videos that are published on You Tube Channels and have more than 50,000 likes.”

Answer :-
4. Consider the relation Content (Channel, VideoTitle, Likes, Dislikes).
Choose the correct Domain Relational Calculus that is equivalent to the following SQL Query:
SELECT Channel, VideoTitle FROM Content
WHERE Dislikes<100;
a) {< c,v > |31, d(< c,v, 1,d >€ Content ^ d < 100)}
b) {c,v|3c,v, 1, d(< c,v, 1, d >€ Content ^ Dislikes < 100)}
c) {< c,v > 3c,v,1,d € Content ^ d < 100}
d) {c,v|3 < 1, >€ Content ^ Dislikes < 100}
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
5. A C program, with embedded SQL query, allows the users to enter a date and an amount to check the transactions that were made on that day. The entered date is stored in the variable Idate and the amount in variable amt. The SQL query returns the TransactionID and Amount of those payments from Payments (Mode, TransactionID, PaymentDate, Amount) whose PaymentDate match with the user’s entered date and the Amount is more than the entered amount. Which of the following SQL queries is correct for the purpose?
SELECT TransactionID, Amount
FROM Payments
WHERE PaymentDate= :Tdate AND Amount>: amt
FROM Payments
WHERE PaymentDate= Tdate AND Amount>amt
FROM Payments
WHERE Tdate=PaymentDate AND amt>Amount
SELECT TransactionID, Amount
FROM Payments
WHERE : PaymentDate= :Tdate AND : Amount>: amt
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
6. A cloth factory maintains a schema of manufactured Clothes where each clothing item is identified by a tag. The clothes are also associated with corresponding sizes and materials. However, each cloth can be designed by multiple designers. Which of the following schema correctly represents the Clothes entity set?
a) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material, Designer)
b) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes_Designer (Tag, Designer)
c) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes_Designer (Tag, Designer)
d) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes Designer (Tag, Designer)
Answer :-
7. Consider the three relational schemas:
Stories (Title, Author, Pages, StoryCount)
Books (Title, Author, Pages)
Educational (Title, Author, Pages, Subject)
Which of the Entity Relationship diagrams correspond to the given schemas?

Answer :- For Answer Click Here
8. Consider the Entity Relationship Diagram:

Which of the following is/are true?
a) The participation of Organizer in Org.Conf is partial.
b) The participation of Conference in Org-Conf is partial.
c) Presenter is a composite attribute of Presentation.
d) Presenter is a multivalued attribute of Presentation.
Answer :-
9. Consider the entity relationship diagram.
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10. Consider the following instance of organizer.
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Databases form the backbone of all major applications today – tightly or loosely coupled, intranet or internet based, financial, social, administrative, and so on. Structured Database Management Systems (DBMS) based on relational and other models have long formed the basis for such databases. Consequently, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase etc. have emerged as leading commercial systems while MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. lead in open source and free domain.
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You can find Data Base Management System Assignment 3 Answers below.
NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 3 Answers 2022
1. Consider the following instance of the relation Gardens (Name, Location, OpensAt, ClosesAt, KnownFor)
a) X=Name, Y=Location, M=Location, N=KnownFor
b) X=Name, Y=Location, M=Name, N=KnownF or
c) X=Name, Y=KnownFor, M=Location, N=KnovnFor
d) X=Name, Y=KnownFor, M=Name, N=Location
Answer:- b
2. Consider the following instance of the relation Gardens (Name, Location, OpensAt, ClosesAt, KnownFor)
Which of the following Names will be produced by R1 R2?
a) Treeland
b) TreeLand, Bageecha
c) Bageecha, FloralParadise
d) FloralParadise
Answer:- d
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3. A C program, with embedded SQL allows the users to enter their ticket number which is stored in the variables tno. With the help of an embedded SQL query, the program then displays the corresponding travel date and destination from a database with the following schema: TravelReg (TicketNo, Destination, TravelDate, ReservationName). Select the correct Embedded SQL query that should be present in this C program.
Answer:- d
4. Consider the following instance of the relation Gardens (Name, Location, OpensAt, ClosesAt, KnownFor)
Answer:- d
5. Consider the following Entity Relationship Diagram:
Which of the following options is (are) true?
a) Participation of Product is total is Prod_del.
b) The primary key in the relational schema for Receipt is {Name, ItemName, ProductNo}.
c) The primary key in the relational schema for Receipt will be {Name, ItemName, AgentPin}.
d) Participation of Product is total in Prod rec.
Answer:- a, b
6. Consider the relation Planets (pname, rank, satellites, diameter) What is the Domain Relational Calculus expression equivalent to the statement Select the names of those Planets uhich have a diameter of more than 50,000 kms”?
Answer:- b
👇For Week 04 Assignment Answers👇
7. Consider the following scenario:
A Natural resource management company keeps a record of different forests, identified by their names. A forest is associated with its location that contains the Country and area in which the forest is present. In each forest, there are different types of trees that are also recorded by the company.
Which of the following schema correctly represents the Forest entity set?
a) Forest (Name, Location, Trees)
b) Forest (Name, Country, Area), Forest.trees (Name, Trees)
c) Forest (Name, Trees), Forest Location (Name, Location, Country, Area)
d) Forest (Name, Country, Area), Forest.trees (Name, Trees)
Answer:- c
8. Consider the following Entity Relationship Diagram:
Which of the following is (are) true?
a) Participation of Author in is total.
b) Participation of Publisher in Auth_pub is total.
c) A Book can be written by multiple Authors.
d) An Author can be associated with at most one Book.
Answer:- b
9. Consider the instance of the relational schema Gallery (PaintingID, Artist, Theme) and Price (PaintingID, Cost):
a) 3
b) 4
c) 8
d) 10
Answer:- For Answer Click Here
10. Consider the instance of the relational schema Gallery (PaintingID, Artist, Theme):
Which of the following Relational Algebra expressions produce(s) exactly the same tuples as present in this instance of Gallery?
a) IlpaintingID , Artist (Callery) x IIpaintingID, Theme (Callery)
b) TIpaintingID , Artist (Callery) x IlArtist, Theme (Callery))
c) IIpaintingID, Theme (Gallery) x IIpaintingID, Theme (Gallery)
d) TIpaintingID, Theme , Artist (Callery) « lITheme (Callery)
Answer:- a
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