[ 100% Correct ] Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers – Hello and Welcome to UNIQUE JANKARI, If You are Searching for Scilab test Answers Of Spoken Tutorial then You are at the perfect place. Here we will Provide 100% Correct Answers to the Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q1. If E = [5 19 15;8 22 36], What is the output of E(1,2)

  • a. 15
  • b. 36
  • c. 22
  • d. 19
Ans:-  d. 19  

Q2. The default variable to store the answer is?

Select one:

  • a. None of the above
  • b. y
  • c. ans
  • d. result
  • e. x
Ans:-    c. ans 

Q3. If, in an 1d-ODE ydot = cos(t) independent variable’s range is defined as t = -%pi:%pi and initial condition is given as y(0) = 0, on solving and on plotting ‘y’ versus ‘t’ the output will of the form,

  • a. y=sin(t)
  • b. None of the above
  • c. y=cos(t)
  • d. Error while integrating
Ans:- d. Error while integrating 

Q4. What is the output of below program?

for i = 1:5
    if (i==2),
  • a. 1 2 3 4 5
  • b. 1 2 3
  • c. 1
  • d. 1 2
Ans:- d. 1 2 

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Q5. Which of the following is true about functions in Scilab?

  • a. They are all user defined
  • b. None of the above
  • c. User defined functions are a subset of all functions
  • d. Functions do not have arguments

Q6. If P = [1 2 3;4 5 6], What is the output of length(p)

  • 3
  • 2
  • 6
  • 4

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Q7. What is the output of the following line of code?

counter = 0;
for i=1:2;
    if(r>=0 & counter==0)
  else if(r<0 & counter==0)

  • 0 0
  • 1 -1
  • Incorrect control instruction syntax
  • -1 1e. 1 1

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Q8. In the scifunc block in xcos, what is the syntax to configure for two input/output?

  • a. [1,1;2,2]
  • b. [1,2]
  • c. [1,1;1,1]
  • d. [1,1;2,1]
  • e. [1,1]
Ans:- c. [1,1;1,1] 

Q9. In  plot2d(x,y,style=3), the style argument is used to

  • a. customize the appearance of the plot
  • b. Close the present window
  • c. Open a new window for plot
  • d. customize the appearance of the font
Ans:-  a. customize the appearance of the plot 

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Q10. What is the output of the following line of code?

  • a. 0.01
  • b. 0
  • c. 0.1
  • d. Undefined variable D
  • e. Missing operator, comma, or semicolon

Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers – All the Answers Provided on this page are Correct if you think there is any mistake, Please comment, we will update it soon.

Q11. What is the significance of Final Integration Time in xcos?

  • a. None of the above
  • b. There is no such thing as Final Integration Time in xcos
  • c. It defines how long the simulation will run
  • d. It defines the integration upper limit
  • e. It defines after how much time the simulation will start
Ans:-  c. It defines how long the simulation will run 

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Q12. How do you create an identity matrix of 3 by 3

Select one:

  • a. ones(3,3)
  • b. zeros(3,3)
  • c. iden(3,3)
  • d. eye(3,3)
Ans:-  d. eye(3,3) 

Q13. Which statements below are true with respect to Scilab?
a. Runs only on Linux
b. Is used for numerical computation

  • a. Only a
  • b. None of the above
  • c. Only b
  • d. Both a and b
Ans:-  c. Only b 

Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q14. If P =[ 1 2 3;4 5 6], P(1,:) extracts

  • a. First row ie 1 2 3
  • b. Second row ie 4 5 6
  • c. First column ie 1 4
  • d. Second column Ie 2 5
Ans:- a. First row ie 1 2 3 

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q15. What is the value of y1 and y2 in the following code?

r = linspace(1,5,9);
r = gsort(r);

  • a. y1 = 3.5; y2 = 3.5
  • b. Syntax error
  • c. y1 = 3.5; y2 = 1
  • d. Undefined variable $
  • e. y1 = 1; y2 = 3.5
Ans:- a. y1 = 3.5; y2 = 3.5 

Q16. Execution of the command modulo(2,3) will return?

  • a. 1
  • b. 0
  • c. 2
  • d. NAN
  • e. 0.67
Ans:- (C) 2 

Q17. Provide the character used to suppress the output of a command?

Answer: Semicolon

Q18. The output of the command p = poly([1],’p’), will be

  • a. Input Argument missing
  • b. None of the above
  • c. -1+p
  • d. p=1
Ans:- c. -1+p 

Q19. A block in Xcos with a red input port denotes?

  • a. It is not configured yet
  • b. It belongs to the electrical blocks category and requires a power source to be connected
  • c. It is an event driven block
  • d. It is not compatible with any block
  • e. The block was not generated properly
Ans:- c. It is an event driven block 

eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q20. If A=[1 2 – 1; – 2 – 6 4; – 1 – 3 3], What does the command inv(A) and spec(A) do respectively?

  • a. Finds inverse and eigen value
  • b. Finds Transpose and determinant
  • c. Finds inverse and determinant
  • d. Finds length and eigen value
Ans:- a. Finds inverse and eigen value 

Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers – All the Answers Provided on this page are Correct if you think there is any mistake, Please comment, we will update it soon.

Q21. i = 1:2:6 , will create a vector of values

  • a. 1 2 3
  • b. 2 4 6
  • c. 1 3 5
  • d. 4 5 6

Ans:- c. 1 3 5

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Q22. How do you find the square root of 49 on Scilab console?

Select one:

  • a. sqroot(49)
  • b. sqrrt(49)
  • c. sqrt(49)
  • d. squareroot(49)

Ans:- c. sqrt(49)

Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q23. For a given Matrix, P=[ 2 -4;-6 7] Find the trace of the Matrix P

Answer:- 9

Q24. If p = poly([1],s) and q = poly([-1],s) and r = p+q, will give

Select one:

  • a. 2
  • b. s^2
  • c. 1
  • d. 2*s


eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q25. The new graphic window 1 for plotting can be opened by

Select one:

  • (A) xset(‘window’,2)
  • (B) xset(‘window’,1)
  • (C) xset(‘window’,0,1)
  • (D) xset(‘window’)

Ans:- (B) xset(‘window’,1)

Q26. Find the Determinant of the matrix [5 -2 3;4 -1 -5;6 7 9]

Answer: 364

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Q27. In x=linspace(1,10,5)

Select one:

  • a. x is a row vector with 10 points
  • b. x is a row vector with 5 points with linearly equally spaced between 1 and 10
  • c. x is a row vector with 15 points
  • d. x is a column vector with 5 points with linearly equally spaced between 1 and 10

Ans:- (B) x is a row vector with 5 points with linearly equally spaced between 1 and 10

Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q28. If p = [1 2 3] , What is the output of length(p)

Select one:

  • a. 0
  • b. 4
  • c. 3
  • d. 2

Ans:- (C) 3

Q29. Which of the following is true about scripts(answer which suits best)

Select one:

  • a. They do not have arguments
  • b. They call functions
  • c. They have arguments
  • d. None of the above


eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q30. Identify the command used to save all commands used in a session to a .dat file.

Select one:

  • a. load(‘dataab.dat’)
  • b. None of the above
  • c. save(‘dataab.dat’)
  • d. gar(‘dataab.dat’)


Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers – All the Answers Provided on this page are Correct if you think there is any mistake, Please comment, we will update it soon.

Q31. How do you create a matrix consisting of pseudo random number of 3 by 3

Select one:

  • a. prand(3,3)
  • b. random(3,3)
  • c. Pseudo(3,3)
  • d. rand(3,3)

Ans:- d. rand(3,3)

Q32. What command is used to exit from the middle of the loop in scilab?

Ans:- break

Arduino Test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q33. What character is used to define a predefined numerical constant in scilab?

Ans:- %

Q34. Which command is used to list the available variables and functions in the current scilab workspace?

Select one:

  • a. who
  • b. var
  • c. list
  • d. which
  • e. None of the above


eSim – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers

Q35. What command is used to skip the later part and continue with the loop?

Ans:- Continue

Q36. How do you calculate the determinant of square matrix ‘A’

  • a. Det(A)
  • b. Spec(A)
  • c. det(A)
  • d. A’

Ans:- c. det(A)

Q37. Command to find eigen values of a matrix A is?

Select one:

  • a. roots(A)
  • b. eigen(A)
  • c. eye(A)
  • d. None of the above
  • e. spec(A)

Ans:- e. spec(A)

Q38. In  plot2d(x,y,style=3), the style argument is used to

Select one:

  • a. customize the appearance of the plot
  • b. customize the appearance of the font
  • c. Close the present window
  • d. Open a new window for plot

Ans:- a. customize the appearance of the plot

Q39. dentify the command used to generate all ones in a 4X4 matrix?

Select one:

  • a. One(4,4)
  • b. show(4,4)
  • c. ones(4,4)
  • d. zeros(4,4)

Ans:- c. ones(4,4)

Q40. The Rank of the matrix A=[4 7 2;9 6 3;1 7 3] is

Ans:- 3

Scilab test – Spoken Tutorial Quiz Answers – All the Answers Provided on this page are Correct if you think there is any mistake, Please comment, we will update it soon.

Q41. Identify the commands used to print a graph over existing graph in scilab?

Select one:

  • a. x = 0 : 0.1 : 30; y = sin(x); plot(x, y);
  • b. x = 0 : 0.1 : 30; y = co(x); plots(x, y);
  • c. x = 0 : 0.1 : 30; y = tan(x); print(x, y);
  • d. None of the above

Ans:- a. x = 0 : 0.1 : 30; y = sin(x); plot(x, y);

Q42. What does the command getd() do?

Select one:

  • a. Opens all scilab files in the current directory
  • b. Looks for all .sci file in the current directory and loads its content in workspace
  • c. Outputs the full path of the current directory
  • d. There is no such command as getd()
  • e. Makes the current directory as the working directory

Ans:- b. Looks for all .sci file in the current directory and loads its content in workspace

Q43. if a=1, b=2, c=3, How do you find out the value of variable on Scilab console?

Select one:

  • a. by typing a b c
  • b. By typing a,b,c
  • c. by typing a. b. c.

Ans:- b. By typing a,b,c

Q44. Which Palette contains Clock_C block?

Select one:

  • (A) Signal routing
  • (B) Event Handling
  • (C) Continous time systems
  • (D) Discreate time systems

Ans:- (B) Event Handling

Q45. If P =[ 1 2 3;4 5 6], What is the output of [r,c]=size(P)

Select one:

  • (A) c=2, r=2
  • (B) c=3, r=2
  • (C) c=2, r=6
  • (D) c=2, r=6

Ans:- (B) c=3, r=2

Q46. If A=[12-1;-2-64,-1-33], What does the command inv(A) and spec(A) do respectively?

Select one:

  • a. Finds inverse and determinant
  • b. Finds length and eigen value
  • c. Finds Transpose and determinant
  • d. Finds inverse and eigen value

Ans:- d. Finds inverse and eigen value

Q47. The command used for evaluating a polynomial at a specified point is:

Ans:- polyval

Q48. Identify the command used to generate all ones in a 4X4 matrix?

Select one:

  • (A) zeros(4,4)
  • (B) show(4,4)
  • (C) One(4,4)
  • (D) ones(4,4)

Ans:- (D) ones(4,4)

Q49. If vector v=1:5 ,then the last entry of vector v is be denoted by

Select one:

  • (A) v(%)
  • (B) v(1:$)
  • (C) v($)
  • (D) v($:1)

Ans:- (C) v($)

Q50. In ‘Scilab’, the words ‘SCI’ and ‘LAB’ stand for

Select one:

  • (A) Science and laboratory
  • (B) Scientific and lab
  • (C) Scientific and laboratory
  • (D) Science and lab

Ans:- (C) Scientific and laboratory

Q51. Will the function return the input vector?

function y = same(x)
    y = x(0:$)

Select one:

  • (A) No
  • (B) Yes

Ans:- (A) No

Q52. What is the use of plot2d3() command?

Select one:

  • (A) To generate a continuous time 3D plot
  • (B) To plot vertical bars of a given vector
  • (C) To plot in 3D of a discrete signal
  • (D) None of the above
  • (E) To generate three 2D plots

Ans:- (B) To plot vertical bars of a given vector

Q53. If matrix A=[4 7 2;9 6 3;1 7 3] then A(:,[2 3]) is the submatrix containing

Select one:

  • (A) 2nd and 3rd column
  • (B) 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns
  • (C) 1st and 2nd columns
  • (D) 3rd column

Ans:- (A) 2nd and 3rd column

Q54. Which command is used to define a transfer function?

Select one:

  • (A) tf()
  • (B) syslin()
  • (C) poly()
  • (D) function()
  • (E) linear()

Ans:- (B) syslin()

Scilab Spoken Tutorial Questions and Answers– All the Answers Provided on this page are Correct if you think there is any mistake, Please comment, we will update it soon.

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