NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 1 Answers 2023

Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 1 Answers 2023 :- Hello students in this blog we are covering the Answers of NPTEL Blockchain and its Application Assignment 1 2023. All the Answers are provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment with your own knowledge.

NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 1 Answers 2023 {week 1}

1. Which one Is true for an ideal decentralized solution for business management?

a. A centralized authority should decide the overall trust
b. Everyone should trust and cooperate With each other
c. No one should trust and cooperate with each other
d. No one should trust each other, however they should cooperate


2. Which of the statements below is/are true for successful run of decentralized distributed systems?

a. Network of different players
b. Players must trust each other
c. If they cooperate, the society gets benefitted
d. None of the above


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NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 1 Answers 2023

3. Where are the transactions logs recorded in a blockchain?

a. Centralized editable database
b. Editable log file
c. On centralized immutable database
d. On append only distributed immutable ledger


4. What are the properties of cryptographic hash function?

a. It should be deterministic
b. It should be collision free
c. Ability to hide the input message
d. Puzzle friendly


5. For a 512 bit hash function, the attacker needs to compute how many hash operations in order to find two matching outputs in the initial round?

a. 2^512
b. 2^128
c 2^256
d. 2^60


6. Which of the following is a correct statement about a cryptographic hash function?

a. given the same message the hash function would not retum the same hash
b. it is not very diticult to generate the original message from the hash
c. a smal change in the message, impacEs the hash value
d. one can easily Tind two diTerent messages with same hash


👇For Week 04 Assignment Answers👇

NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 1 Answers 2023

7. What are the security features of a hash function?

a. Non-deteministic
b. Puzzle-friendly
c. Collision-resistance
d. Preimage resistance


8. SHA-512 hashing algorithm used by Bitcoin blockchain to determine the hash of a block. This above statement is True or False.

a. True
b. Falsee


9. For hash computation in SHA-512, what is the size of the block that the message is divided into?

a. 1024
b. 512
c. 256
d 1248


10. What is the message for hash value of “8abe09bf65aefdb8e84bd8564efb765179cc01ee3f45809e47c8c9a02172f83” if SHA-256 is used? (case sensitive)

a. Consensus
b. Swayam
d. Consensus


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In the last few years, Blockchain technology has generated massive interest among governments, enterprises, and academics, because of its capability of providing a transparent, secured, tamper-proof solution for interconnecting different stakeholders in a trustless setup. In January 2021, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeiTY), Government of India, published the first draft of the “National Strategy on Blockchain” that highlights 17 potential applications that are of national interest. Against this backdrop, this subject will cover the basic design principles of Blockchain technology and its applications over different sectors. Additionally, the course also provides tutorials on setting up blockchain applications using one of the well-adopted permissionless blockchain platforms – Ethereum, and one permissioned blockchain platform – Hyperledger.

PRE-REQUISITE: Computer Networks; Operating Systems; Cryptography and Network Security.

INDUSRTY SUPPORT: IBM; HPE; Intel; Any startups working on Blockchain.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate Students, Industry Associates.


Week 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technology and its Importance
Week 2: Basic Crypto Primitives I – Cryptographic Hash
Week 3: Basic Crypto Primitives II – Digital Signature
Week 4: Evolution of the Blockchain Technology
Week 5: Elements of a Blockchain
Week 6: Blockchain Consensus I – Permissionless Models
Week 7: Blockchain Consensus II – Permissioned Models
Week 8: Smart Contract Hands On I – Ethereum Smart Contracts (Permissionless Model)
Week 9: 
Smart Contract Hand On II – Hyperledger Fabric (Permissioned Model)
Week 10: 
Decentralized Identity Management
Week 11: 
Blockchain Interoperability
Week 12: 
Blockchain Applications


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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