Digital Signal Processing Important MCQ Set 2 (DSP)

DSP MCQ set 2:- Questions and answers are much important for any interviews of Digital Signal processing. Join Our Telegram Channel For pdf.

Q1.For what kind of signals one-sided z-transform is unique?

  • (A) All signals
  • (B) Anti-causal signal
  • (C) Causal signal
  • (D) Linear

Ans:- (C) Causal signal

Q2. If X1(k) and X2(k) are the N-point DFTs of X1(n) and x2(n) respectively,
then what is the N-point DFT of x(n)=ax1(n)+bx2(n)?

  • (A) X1(ak)+X2(bk)
  • (B) aX1(k)+bX2(k)
  • (C) akX1(k)+bkX2(k)
  • (D) X1(ak)-X2(bk)

Ans:- (B) aX1(k)+bX2(k)


Q3. Digital angular frequency has a unit

  • (A) radian per second
  • (B) radian per samples
  • (C) No unit
  • (D) Hz

Ans:-(B) radian per samples

Q4. Type of digital crossover

  • (A) Active
  • (B) Passive
  • (C) Active and Passive
  • (D) Static and Dynamic

Ans:- (C) Active and Passive

Q5. condition for orthogonality of vectors

  • (A) Inner product Zero
  • (B) Inner product 1
  • (C) outer product 1
  • (D) Magnitude 1

Ans:- (A) Inner product Zero

Q6. The speech signal is obtained after

  • (A) Analog to digital conversion
  • (B) Digital to analog conversion
  • (C) Modulation
  • (D) Quantization

Ans:- (B) Digital to analog conversion

Q7. Which of the following techniques are NOT used to convert analog filter
to digital filter

  • (A) Successive Approximation
  • (B) Impulse Invariant
  • (C) Approximation of Derivatives
  • (D) Bilinear Transformation

Ans:- (A) Successive Approximation

Q8. Which of the following is done to convert a continuous-time signal into
discrete-time signal?

  • (A) Modulating
  • (B) Sampling
  • (C) Differentiating
  • (D) Integrating

Ans:- (B) Sampling

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Q9. Normalized frequency of discrete-time signal has a maximum value

  • (A) infinite
  • (B) 0.5
  • (C) 1
  • (D) 1.5

Ans:- (B) 0.5

Q10. IIR Filter design methods are based on different mapping functions used
for mapping the following domains

  • (A) DFT to Z domain
  • (B) S domain to Z domain
  • (C) Z domain to S domain
  • (D) Z domain to DFT

Ans:- (B) S domain to Z domain

Q11. The transfer function of IIR Filters contains

  • (A) Only Zeros
  • (B) Only Poles
  • (C) Poles and Zeros
  • (D) Neither Poles or Zeros

Ans:- (C) Poles and Zeros

Q12. The Chebyshev filters have

  • (A) Flat passband and Flat stopband
  • (B) Flat stopband and Tapering stopband
  • (C) Flat stopband and Equiripple stopband
  • (D) Flat passband and Equiripple stopband

Ans:- (C) Flat stopband and Equiripple stopband

Q13. Which filter is present in the DSP system

  • (A) band stop
  • (B) High pass
  • (C) Aliasing
  • (D) Anti aliasing

Ans:- (D) Anti-aliasing

Q14. What is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value?

  • (A) Radius of convergence
  • (B) Radius of divergence
  • (C) Feasible solution
  • (D) Region of convergence

Ans:- (C) Region of convergence

Q15. Which of the following method is not used to find the inverse z-transform
of a signal?

  • (A) Counter integration
  • (B) Expansion into a series of terms
  • (C) Partial fraction expansion
  • (D) Matrix Multiplication Method

Ans:- (D) Matrix Multiplication Method

Q16. For a decimation-in-time FFT algorithm, which of the following is true?

(A) Both input and output are in order
(B) Both input and output are shuffled
(C) Input is shuffled and output is in order
(D) None of the above

Ans:- (C) Input is shuffled and output is in order

Q17. Basis functions for Fourier transform are

(A) square
(B) Triangular
(C) Cos & sin
(D) cosine

Ans:- (C) Cos & sin

Q18. Digital Active cross over includes


Ans:- (A) LPF & HPF

Q19. Which of the following is used after DAC and DEMUX in Voice decoders

(A) Balance Modulator
(B) Amplifier

Ans:- (A) Balance Modulator

Q20. The poles of a Butterworth filter lie on a ———– and poles of a Chebyshev filter lie on a ————-

(A) Ellipse, Circle
(B) Ellipse, Trapezoid
(C) Circle, Circle
(D) Circle, Ellipse

Ans:- (D) Circle, Ellipse

Q21. The large side lobes of W(ω) results in which of the following undesirable effects?

(A) Circling effects
(B) : Broadening effects
(C) Ringing effects
(D) quantization

Ans:- (C) Ringing effects

Q22. Which of the following is True regarding stability of IIR filters?

(A) IIR filters are always stable
(B) Number of Zeros in transfer function of IIR filter determines stability
(C) Stability is independent of presence of poles and zeros
(D) IIR fiter can tend to become unstable due to presence of poles

Ans:- (D) IIR fiter can tend to become unstable due to presence of poles

Q23. A linear time invariant system is said to be BIBO stable if and only if the ROC of the system function

(A) Includes unit circle
(B) Excludes unit circle
(C) Is an unit circle
(D) In Z plane

Ans:- (A) Includes unit circle

Q24. Mapping of points from the s-plane to the z-plane is implied by the relation

(A) z=esT where T represents sampling interval
(B) z = e/(s*T) where T represents sampling interval
(C) z= e+s+T where T represents sampling interval
(D) z = esT where T represents sampling interval

Ans:- D) z = esT where T represents sampling interval

Q25. ECG have frequency range from

(A) 0.5Hz to 80 Hz
(B) 20 Hz to 20KHz
(C) 1Hz to 10Hz
(D) 10 Hz to 1 KHz

Ans:- A) 0.5Hz to 80 Hz

See More :- Digital Signal Processing Important MCQ Set 1 (DSP),

DSP MCQ set 2:- Questions and answers are much important for any interviews of Digital Signal processing. Join Our Telegram Channel For pdf.

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