NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers 2022

NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment Answers 2022:- In this post, We have provided answers of the NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment 6. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

About Entrepreneurship

This course provides a detailed overview of entrepreneurship as the foundation of business growth and value creation in the national economy. It provides multiple constructs for entrepreneurs to be successful, and pathways for their companies to achieve sustainable growth. Each week/module of the course will cover one specific theme/topic with conceptual perspectives as well as practical examples.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will gain an expansive and deep appreciation of entrepreneurship and its pivotal role in the economy. The student or aspiring entrepreneur will be able to approach entrepreneurship with clarity and focus, and an enhanced understanding of the key success factors as well as possible risks and potential mitigation strategies. A practising entrepreneur is likely to be able to navigate the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship more effectively with the additional insights available. 


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers 2022

1. Completely autonomous vehicle is an example of

a. Inadequate perfection
b. Inadequate innovation
c. Imperfect innovation
d. Perfect innovation

Answer:- d

2. Which industry in India has several hundreds of brands for the same generic product?

a. Cycle industry
b. Automobile industry
c. Pharmaceutical industry
d. None of the above

Answer:- c

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NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers 2022

3. Which of the following statements is relatively true?

a. Design is only an integrator of different functionalities into one product
b. Design is only a tool to promote different products with different functionalities
c. Design can integrate as well as different functionalities in one or more products
d. None of the above

Answer:- c

4. Which of the following statements is true because of automobile electrification and autonomous driving?

a. There would be opportunities for several technology led startups in the new generation components
b. Automobile electrification and autonomy are hyped up and offer little opportunity to start-ups
c. New generation components can be easily done in the facilities of existing auto component makers
d. All of the above

Answer:- a

5. What can additive manufacturing do to the automobile industry?

a. Add weight to components
b. Make components with just the required amount of materials
c. Improve look and feel
d. None of the above

Answer:- b

6. From the mobile phones, the recovery of the following rare earth material is a challenge that is being met technologically by manufacturers. This could be a start-up opportunity too.

a. Steel
b. Aluminium
c. Cobalt
d. Plastic

Answer:- c

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NPTEL Entrepreneurship Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers 2022

7. Speech recognition and NLP qualifies as

a. Virtual reality
b. Artificial reality
c. Artificial intelligence
d. Mixed reality

Answer:- c

8. A good operations strategy requires:

a. Products to manufacture
b. Facility to manufacture
c. Materials to manufacture
d. All of the above

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

9. Modern products such as Toyota car and Apple iPhone are manufactured through:

a. Individual country fully integrated production
b. Globally networked production
c. Only Chinese manufacture
d. None of the above

Answer:- b

10. Just-in-time inventory system is aligned with

a. Push-type demand system
b. Pull-type demand system
c. Econometric demand system
d. Expert demand system

Answer:- b

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