NPTEL Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022 – Hello students in this article we are going to share NPTEL Social Networks Week 1 Assignment 2022 answers. All the Answers are provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment with your own knowledge.
NPTEL Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022 [July-Dec]
1. If there exist a graph where nodes represents students and edges represents friendship, then for a rumour to be spread across entire class –
a. Every student must know every other student.
b. The graph needs to be connected.
c. The graph need not be connected.
d. Will spread in any case.
Answer:- b
2. If x = random.randrange(5,10), which values can x take?
I) 5
II) 8
III) 4
IV) 10
- a. Only I, II, IV
- b. Only I, II, III
- c. Only II, III
- d. Only I, II
Answer:- b
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3. If x = random.randint(3,6), which values can x take?
I) 5
II) 4.3
III) 3
IV) 6
- a. Only I, II
- b. Only I, III
- c. Only I, III, IV
- d. Only I
Answer:- c
4. What will be the output of the following code snippet?
x = [5, 2, 7, 3, 8]
a = x[5]
if(a%2 == 0):
print("It is an even number")
print("It is an odd number")
print("Element does not exist")
a. It is an even number
b. It is an odd number
c. Element does not exist
d. The code won’t run
Answer:- c
5. What will be the output of the following code snippet?
import random
x = []
for i in range(7):
x.append({"one":1, "two":2})
- a. 9
- b. 8
- c. 7
- d. 10
Answer:- b
6. Maximum number of edges that can be present in a graph with 10 nodes are –
a. 100
b. 45
c. 50
d. 55
Answer:- b
👇For Week 02 Assignment Answers👇
7. For a complete graph Z with 5 nodes if A=z.order()/z.size(), what will be the value of A?
a. 1/4
b. 1/8
c. 1/2
d. 1/16
Answer:- c
8. What will nx.dijktra_path(G,u,v) return?
a. Returns shortest path from u to v in a weighted graph
b. Returns shortest path length
c. Returns all possible paths from u to v
d. Returns no. of possible paths from u to v
Answer:- a
9. What will nx.gnp_random_graph(20,0.5) return?
a. Returns graph with 20 nodes with half of the nodes connected.
b. Returns graph with 20 nodes with each edge to be put with probability 0.5
c. Returns a connected graph with 10 nodes.
d. Returns a graph with 10 nodes with each edge to be put with probability 0.5
Answer:- b
10. Maximum number of graphs possible from 50 nodes are –
Answer:- b
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About Social Networks:-
The world has become highly interconnected and hence more complex than ever before. We are surrounded by a multitude of networks in our daily life, for example, friendship networks, online social networks, world wide web, road networks etc. All these networks are today available online in the form of graphs which hold a whole lot of hidden information. They encompass surprising secrets which have been time and again revealed with the help of tools like graph theory, sociology, game theory etc. The study of these graphs and revelation of their properties with these tools have been termed as Social Network Analysis.
- Week 1: Introduction
- Week 2: Handling Real-world Network Datasets
- Week 3: Strength of Weak Ties
- Week 4: Strong and Weak Relationships (Continued) & Homophily
- Week 5: Homophily Continued and +Ve / -Ve Relationships
- Week 6: Link Analysis
- Week 7: Cascading Behaviour in Networks
- Week 8: Link Analysis (Continued)
- Week 9: Power Laws and Rich-Get-Richer Phenomena
- Week 10: Power law (contd..) and Epidemics
- Week 11: Small World Phenomenon
- Week 12: Pseudocore (How to go viral on web)
Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100
Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score
YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.