NPTEL SOFT SKILLS WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENTS ANSWERS WITH MOST PROBABLE ANSWERS.:- Hello friends in this post we have provided the answers of soft skills week 1
NPTEL Soft Skills Week 1 Assignment Answers 2022
Q1. The term “Hard skills” and “Soft skills” are often used to signify the software and hardware of computers.
- True
- False
Ans:- False
Q2. Soft skills are the one-time learning process.
- True
- False
Ans:- False
Q3. A positive attitude at workplace seldom stimulates co-workers to achieve desired organizational goals.
- True
- False
Ans:- False
Q4. Commonality and cordiality are the hallmarks of effective communication.
- True
- False
Ans:- True
Q5. Information that comes through Grapevine communication is trustworthy.
- True
- False
Ans:- False
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in options below:
Q6. ______ plays a vital role in communication.
- Ebullience
- Environment
Ans:- Environment
Q7. __ is the hallmark of communication.
- Conscription
- Consciousness
Ans:- Consciousness
Q8. Soliloquy is the example of _ communication.
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
Ans:- Intrapersonal
Q9. Meta-communication is communication which allows people to extract __ meaning of certain words.
- Multiple
- Singular
Ans:- Multiple
Q10. It may be considered ____ if somebody is traveling at the cost of organizational funds organization and entertaining at an interview.
- Ethical
- Unethical
Ans:- Unethical
Given below are multiple-choice questions having four options.
Select the most suitable option as your answer.
Q11. Which one of the following forces does Communication function?
- Beaming force
- Dividing force
- Binding force
- None of the above
Answer:- Binding Force Communication functions as a binding force. It is a means of connecting individuals and groups by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas, and emotions. Effective communication helps build relationships, foster understanding, and promote cooperation among people.
Q12. In which book does Sigmund Freud talk about suppressed and repressed emotions?
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
The Ego and the Id
Totem and Taboo
Interpretations of Dreams
Ans:- Interpretations of Dreams
Q13. Which of the following does Ego differentiate between?
- Image and Emotion
- Memory and Image
- Emotion and Memory
- Image and Emotion
Ans:- Memory and Image
Q14. Name the type of communication when one talks not to others but to himself:
- Extrapersonal
- Mass Media & Communication
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
Ans:- Intrapersonal
Q15. Which one among the following systems of personality is the internal representative of the good and evil?
- Id
- Super Ego
- Ego
- B&C
Ans:- Super Ego
NPTEL Soft Skills Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Proper knowledge of Soft Skills is necessary to achieve success in life. “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved!“ is a famous statement about success made by Swami Vivekananda.
- True
- False
Answer :- True
2. Soft Skills are also considered as performance skills.
- True
- False
Answer :- True
3. In Extra-personal communication, the sender cannot use words.
- True
- False
Answer :- Click Here
4. In a communication process, feedback seldom reaches the sender who originally created the message.
- True
- False
Answer :- Click Here
5. Communication sent is not always communication received.
- True
- False
Answer :- Click Here
6. In intrapersonal communication, the central nervous system works as a medium.
- True
- False
Answer :- Click Here
7.When one talks to oneself, which type of communication results?
- Formal
- Informal
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
Answer :- Click Here
8. Which of the following attributes refer/s to Meta-communication?
- unintentional
- Beyond Words
- Both A&B
- Zero Communication
Answer :- Click Here
9. Which of the following statements, according to Alfred Adler, is true about the personality development?
- Humans are primarily sexual creatures.
- Fictional finalism is a tool for personality development.
- Every human being does not imitate.
- Both A&B
Answer :- Click Here
10. Which characteristics among the following is ‘Superego’ according to Sigmund Freud?
- Compromises with social order
- Expression of our inherent desire
- It’s related to moral values.
- It’s the psychic reality.
Answer :- Click Here
11. Why is one’s technical skill alone not adequate for getting a suitable job in an organization?
- The recruiter is unable to understand one’s technical skills.
- The organization is not suitable for him.
- The recruiter looks for hard and soft skills both in a candidate.
- None of the above
Answer :- Click Here
12. Organizational communication happens to be both _____________ and ____________.
- Hostile
- Formal
- Informal
- Biased
Answer :- Click Here
13. Which among the following are essential elements of Alfred Adler’s theory of personality development?
- Endeavour to become superior
- Conflicts of interest
- Imagining results before the actual events
- Communication without feedback
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NPTEL Soft Skills Assignment 1 Answers 2022
I. Given below are some statements based on video lectures.
Identify them and write (T) against True and (F) against False statements. (5)
1. The term “Hard skills” and “Soft skills” are often used to signify the software and hardware of computers.
a. True
b. False
Answer:- b
2. Soft skills are the one-time learning process.
a. False
b. True
Answer:- a
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3. A positive attitude at workplace seldom stimulates co-workers to achieve desired organizational goals.
a. True
b. False
Answer:- b
4. Commonality and cordiality are the hallmarks of effective communication.
a. True
b. False
Answer:- a
5. Information that comes through Grapevine communication is trustworthy.
a. True
b. False
Answer:- b
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in options below: (5)
6. __________________ plays a vital role in communication.
a. Ebullience
b. Environment
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Answer:- b
7. _____________ is the hallmark of communication.
a. Conscription
b. Consciousness
Answer:- b
8. Soliloquy is the example of _____________ communication.
a. Intrapersonal
b. Interpersonal
Answer:- a
9. Meta-communication is communication which allows people to extract ____________ meaning of certain words.
a. Multiple
b. Singular
Answer:- a
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10. It may be considered ________________ if somebody is traveling at the cost of organizational funds organization and entertaining at an interview.
a. Ethical
b. unEthical
Answer:- b
11. Which one of the following forces does Communication function?
a. Beaming force
b. Dividing force
c. Binding force
d. None of the above
Answer:- c
12. In which book does Sigmund Freud talk about suppressed and repressed emotions?
a. The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
b. The Ego and the Id
c. Totem and Taboo
d. Interpretations of Dreams
Answer:- d
13. Which of the following does Ego differentiate between?
a. Image and Emotion
b. Memory and Image
c. Emotion and Memory
d. Image and Emotion
Answer:- b
14. Name the type of communication when one talks not to others but to himself:
a. Extrapersonal
b. Mass Media & Communication
c. Intrapersonal
d. Interpersonal
Answer:- c
15. Which one among the following systems of personality is the internal representative of the good and evil?
a. Id
b. Super Ego
c. Ego
d. B&C
Answer:- b
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Click Here:- Soft Skills Assignment 1 Answers 2022 [July – Dec]
1. Proper knowledge of Soft Skills is necessary to achieve success in life. “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached !” is a famous statement about success made by Swami Vivekanand.
- (A) False
- (B) True (ANSWER)
2. In Extra-personal communication, the sender cannot use words.
- (A) False (ANSWER)
- (B) True
3. Communication sent is seldom communication received.
- (A) False (ANSWER)
- (B) True
4. In intrapersonal communication, the central nervous system works as a medium .
- (A) False
- (B) True (ANSWER)
5. The word personality has been derived from the Latin word persona, meaning mask.
- (A) False
- (B) True (ANSWER)
6.Soft skill is intrapersonal.
- (A) False (ANSWER)
- (B) True
7. The word communication has its origin in __________ .
- (A) German
- (B) Latin (ANSWER)
8. …….. is one of the five C’s that hampers the right attitude of communication.
- (A) counselling
- (B) contending (ANSWER)
9. The success of communication can be measured through _______ .
- (A) response (ANSWER)
- (B) questions
10. Six thinking hats’ technique was propagated by ________ .
- (A) Claude Shannon
- (B) De Bono (ANSWER)
11. Grapevine as a form of communication is ________ in nature.
- (A) Formal
- (B) Informal (ANSWER)
12. ______________ made the following statement. “One may smile and smile and still be a villain.”
- (A) Christopher Marlowe
- (B) William Shakespeare (ANSWER)
13. What is superego according to Sigmund Freud?
- (A) Compromise with social order
- (B) Expression of our inherent desire
- (C) It’s related to our moral values. (ANSWER)
- (D) It’s the psychic reality.
14. Why your technical skill is not enough for getting a suitable job in an organization?
- (A) The recruiter is unable to understand your technical skills.
- (B) The organization is not suitable for you.
- (C) The recruiter looks for both hard skill and soft skill in a candidate. (ANSWER)
- (D) None of the above
15. In soft skills, what is the suitable term that helps one to become comfortable with the work environment ?
- (A) Surrendering
- (B) Adaptability (ANSWER)
- (C) Ratification
- (D) None of the above
16. Organizational communication would be __________ .
- (A) Formal
- (B) Informal
- (C) Both A & B (ANSWER)
- (D) Abusive
17. There are some fundamental differences between verbal and non-verbal communications. Find out the option(s) that represent(s) the feature(s) of Non-verbal communication.
- (A) Perfectly syntactical
- (B) Spontaneous (ANSWER)
- (C) Highly organized
- (D) Both B & C
18. When you talk to yourself, then that kind of communication is called _____ .
- (A) Formal
- (B) Informal
- (C) Intrapersonal
- (D) Interpersonal
19. Which of the following refer(s) to Meta-communication ?
- (A) Unintentional
- (B) Beyond words
- (C) Both A & B (ANSWER)
- (D) Zero Communication
20. According to Alfred Adler, which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the idea of personality development ?
- (A) Humans are primarily sexual creatures.
- (B) Fictional finalism is a tool for personality development. (ANSWER)
- (C) Every human being does not imitate
- (D) Both A&B
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thank u sirnptel assignment answer