NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers July 2023

SOFT SKILLS WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2023:- In this post, We have provided answers of NPTEL Soft Skills Assignment 2. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers 2023

I. Question number 1 to 6 are some statements based on video lectures. Identify them and write (T) against True and (F) against False statements.
II. Question number 7 to 11 are multiple-choice questions having four options. Select the most suitable option as your answer.
III. Question number 12 and 13 are multiple choice questions having four options. Select any of the two most suitable options as your answer.

1. Voice mail focuses on essentials without interrupting potential receivers.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True

Voice mail allows the sender to leave a message for the recipient without directly interrupting them in real-time. The recipient can then listen to the message at their convenience.

2. “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause”. This is a statement of Mark Twain, an American author, about the use of silence and pause in a communication process.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False. 

The statement about the use of silence and pause in a communication process is not attributed to Mark Twain. It is actually a quote by Mark Twain's contemporary, Mark Twain, an American humorist and writer. The quote emphasizes the importance of timing and the strategic use of pauses in communication to create impact and convey messages effectively.

3. “I’m okay, you are okay”, shows the introvert kind of personality according to Dr. Eric Berne.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False. 

"I'm okay, you're okay" is not specifically associated with introvert or extrovert personalities according to Dr. Eric Berne. Instead, it is a phrase that comes from the book "I'm OK – You're OK" written by Thomas A. Harris in 1969, which is based on the principles of transactional analysis, a theory of psychology developed by Dr. Eric Berne. The book explores different life positions and communication styles between individuals, but it does not directly correlate with introversion or extroversion.

4. Telecommunication does not need a facilitator or party leader to lead the meeting.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True. 

Telecommunication, which refers to communication over a distance using electronic means such as phone calls, video conferencing, or virtual meetings, does not necessarily require a facilitator or party leader to lead the meeting. In telecommunication, participants can interact directly without the need for a physical presence or a central figure to oversee the communication. However, in some cases, a facilitator or party leader may be appointed to ensure the meeting runs smoothly and efficiently.

5. According to Johari Window, four parts of ‘self’ exist in a human being.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True. 

According to the Johari Window model, there are four parts of "self" that exist in a human being

6. Human voice carries intentional and unintentional emotions and messages.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True. 

The human voice carries both intentional and unintentional emotions and messages. When we speak or communicate, we not only convey the words and information we intend to share (intentional messages) but also transmit emotions, feelings, and non-verbal cues (unintentional messages) through our tone of voice, pitch, volume, pace, and other vocal characteristics.

7. Which among the following is not a type of attitude according to Eric Berne?

  • Implosion
  • Introvert
  • Negative
  • Assimilation
Answer :- Implosion

According to Eric Berne's theory of Transactional Analysis, "Implosion" and "Assimilation" are not types of attitudes.

8. The hidden self is fear, secrets, sensitivities. So hidden self should be moved into ______ to establish better understanding at the workplace.

  • Blind Area
  • Open Area
  • Unknown Area
  • None of the Above
Answer :- Open Area

The hidden self, which includes fear, secrets, and sensitivities, should be moved into the "Open Area" to establish better understanding at the workplace.

9. The volume of voice is an essential aspect of effective communication. Which one is true about it?

  • Speak as loud as possible in a small group
  • Be audible
  • Voice should be soft.
  • Both B&C
Answer :- Both B & C

In effective communication, the volume of voice plays an important role. It should be loud enough to be audible and clear to the intended audience (option B). However, the appropriate volume will depend on the context and the size of the group. In a small group, there's no need to speak as loud as possible, as it may be considered too loud or aggressive. Instead, the volume should be adjusted to be audible without being overly soft or too loud (option C). It's important to strike a balance and adjust the volume of the voice according to the situation to ensure effective communication.

10. What should be your first reaction when you receive a phone call in an organization?

  • What is the purpose of your calling, Sir?
  • You must tell your name and designation first.
  • I am busy. Call me later.
  • None of the Above
Answer :- What is the purpose of your calling, Sir?

As a professional courtesy, it's appropriate to greet the caller and inquire about the purpose of their call. This response shows that you are attentive and ready to engage in a productive conversation. It allows the caller to state the reason for the call, which helps both parties to stay focused and efficient during the conversation.

11. Which handshake is described as politician’s handshake?

  • Dead fish Handshake
  • Glove HandshakeI
  • Double-handed Handshake
  • None of the Above
Answer :- Dead fish Handshake

The handshake that is described as a "politician's handshake" is the "Dead fish handshake.

12. Which statement/s is/are correct about non-verbal communication?

  • It supplements verbal communication.
  • It is less important than verbal communication.
  • Symbols are not used in non-verbal communication.
  • It is spontaneous and unstructured.
Answer :- It supplements verbal communication.
It is spontaneous and unstructured.

Non-verbal communication refers to the transmission of messages without the use of words. It complements and enhances verbal communication by adding context, emotions, and emphasis to the spoken words (statement 1). Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, body language, eye contact, tone of voice, and posture can convey a wealth of information that may not be explicitly communicated through words alone.

13. Which among the following is/are not related to communication theories?

  • Derrida’s theory of deconstruction
  • Eric Berne’s theory of attitude
  • Lyotard’s theory of postmodernism
  • Johari Window
Answer :- Derrida’s theory of deconstruction
Lyotard’s theory of postmodernism

Derrida's theory of deconstruction: This is a theory related to philosophy and literary criticism, not specifically focused on communication.

Lyotard's theory of postmodernism: This is a theory that pertains to philosophy, cultural criticism, and aesthetics, and is not directly related to communication theories.
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NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers 2022

Q1. Through the area known as the unknown self, as propagated by Joe and Harry, we can have a self-discovery.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

2. Non-verbal communications are spontaneous compared to verbal communication.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

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NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers July 2023

3. Voicemail is a storage device since information can be printed.

b. False

Answer:- b

4. If a message is delivered with a squinted eye, the message tends to become positive.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- b

5. The use of flat hands during communication symbolizes boredom.

a. False
b. True

Answer:- b

6. Teleconferencing is not an alternative to face-to-face meetings.

a. False
b. True

Answer:- b

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NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers July 2023

7. The rise and fall of our voices during communication can be termed as intonation during a presentation.

a. True
b. False

Answer:- a

Given below are multiple-choice questions having four options. Select the most suitable option as your answer.                                                             (8)

8. Who among the following is the author of the famous book “The Power of Positive Thinking”?

a. William Faulkner
b. Norman Vincent Peale
c. William James
d. Dr. Eric Berne

Answer:- b

9. A person thinks that it is he who matters and not others and says “I’m okay, you are not okay…”.  To which category of personality does such a person belong?

a. Introvert
b. Imposing
c. Positive
d. Negative

Answer:- b

10. Johari Window functions to illustrate and improve self-awareness and mental understanding. How many parts does the Johari Window have?

a. Four
b. Seven
c. Five
d. Six

Answer:- a

11. In telephonic communication, if a person is calling or giving information to somebody or seeking information from somebody, which two of the following are mandatory?

a. Figurative language
b. Courtesy
c. Clarity of Voice
d. Ambiguity

Answer:- b, c

12. “Men trust their ears less than their eyes”. Who among the following is credited with this quote?

a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Homer
d. Herodotus

Answer:- d

13. Our voice plays a very significant role during an oral communication. Which of the following impedes our oral communication?

a. Silence and pauses
b. Nasalization
c. Pitch
d. Both A&B

Answer:- b

14. Which one of the following do/doesn’t form part of kinesics?

b. Eyes
c. Odour
d. Scowl

Answer:- c

15. Majority of speakers use pitch variation during a speaking situation.  is mandatory to make our speech effective. Which of the following is not true about Pitch- variations?

a. Pitch variations convey feelings.
b. Pitch changes are called inflexions.
c. Vocal cords vibrate in the production of sounds.
d. Speech with variation tends to confuse listeners.

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

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About Soft Skills

Soft Skills, a buzz word today has attracted the attention of students, professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world.  Employability, being the major concern today, every individual aims at getting coveted jobs.  Employability today is commensurate with proving multiple skills in varied situations in a fast changing world.  Hence, everyone aspiring for jobs today has to prove one’s mettle in various situations where one requires to be armed with different skills, which, collectively come under Soft Skills.  One may be armed with good competence of one’s subject but one cannot compete with his peer groups unless one has the potential of performance. 


  • Week 1: Introduction to Soft Skills, Aspects of Soft Skills, Effective Communication Skills, Classification of Communication, Personality Development 
  • Week 2: Positive Thinking, Telephonic Communication Skills, Communicating without Words, Paralanguage
  • Week 3: Proxemics,  Haptics: The Language of Touch, Meta-communication, Listening Skills, Types of Listening
  • Week 4: Negotiation Skills, Culture as Communication, Organizational Communication
  • Week 5: Communication Breakdown, Advanced Writing Skills, Principles of Business Writing
  • Week 6: Business Letters, Business Letters: Format and Style, Types of Business Letter
  • Week 7: Writing Reports, Types of Report, Strategies for Report Writing, Evaluation and Organization of Data
  • Week 8: Structure of Report, Report Style, Group Communication Skills
  • Week 9: Leadership Skills, Group Discussion, Meeting Management, Adaptability & Work Ethics
  • Week 10:Advanced Speaking Skills, Oral Presentation, Speeches & Debates, Combating Nervousness, Patterns & Methods of Presentation, Oral Presentation: Planning & Preparation
  • Week 11:Making Effective Presentations, Speeches for Various Occasions, Interviews, Planning & Preparing: Effective Résumé,
  • Week 12: Facing Job Interviews, Emotional Intelligence & Critical Thinking, Applied Grammar


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

NPTEL Soft Skills Week 2 Assignment Answers 2021

  1. Positive thinking may help you to move further and negotiate in an organization.
  •  True
  •  False

2.”I am okay, you are okay”, shows the introvert kind of personality according to Dr. Eric Berne.

  •  True
  •  False

3. All the incoming information can be digitized and stored in a voice mail.

  •  True
  •  False

4. Telecommunication does not need a facilitator or party leader to lead the meeting.

  •  True
  •  False

5. In a communication process, you should not only actively participate, but you should think that you are leading the discussion.

  •  True
  •  False

6. Voice carries intentional and unintentional emotions and messages.

  •  True
  •  False

7. _________ is the kind of non-verbal communication that refers to the study of space.



8. Johari Window was developed in 1955 by __________ psychologists.



9. To be positive in a workplace, you should not ________ your weakness.



10. Pitch changes are called _________ .



11. “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause”. Whose statement is this? __________ .


 Mark Twain

12. The falling tone should be used in ___________ .


 Yes-no questions

13. What kind of mindset was called ‘imposing’ by Eric Berne?

 I am not okay, you are not okay.

 I am not okay, you are okay.

 I am okay, you are not okay.

 I am okay, you are okay.

14. According to Johari Window, how many parts of ‘self’ exist?





15. What should be your first reaction when you receive a phone call in an organization?

 What is the purpose of your calling?

 You will tell your name and designation first.

 I am busy. Call me later.

 None of these

16. What should be your reaction when someone calls you with whom you are not in good terms?

 I shall ignore the call.

 I shall say him to call me later.

 I shall receive the message.

 I shall talk about my disagreements first.

17. Which bodily movements does not come under the forms of Kinesics?

 Facial expression

 Eye contact

 Using material symbols


18. Pitch variation may result in ________ .

 Conveying feelings

 Tone variations

 Both A & B

 Bodily movements

19. The hidden self is fear, secrets, sensitivities. So hidden self should be moved into _____________ .

 Blind area

 Open area

 Unknown area

 None of the above

20. The volume of voice is an essential aspect of effective communication. Which one is true about this?

 Speak loudly in a group of 5 people.

 Be audible

 Voice should be soft

 Both B & C

SOFT SKILLS WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2021:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.



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