NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4 Answers 2023

NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4 Answers 2023:- In this post, we have provided answers of NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

NPTEL Software Engineering Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which one of the following are not requirements gathering techniques?

a. Study existing procedures,
b. Discuss with customer and end-users,
c. Build prototypes of functions
d. Input and Output analysis
e. Analyze structure chart

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2. Which one of the following characteristics are usually not expected of an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document?

a. Concise
b. Consistent
C. Complete
d. Formal
e. Optimal

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3. n SRS document should not include which of the following?

a. Functional requirements
b. Project management plan
c. Performance requirements
d. External interface requirements
e. Verification and validation plan

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4. Which of the following are not non-functional requirements?

a. The system should be portable
b. The system should be maintainable
c. Users should be able to check the status of their complaints raised by them in the past
d. The system should be usable by factory workers
e. Users should be able to register their complaints using the system

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5. Which one of the following should not be included in the checklist used for reviewing the SRS document?

a. Is each requirement testable?
b. Have the “how to implement” aspects been specified?
c. Is the initial state of the system defined?
d. Have the functional requirements been numbered?
e. Has the project management plan been prepared and included as a separate section?
f. Are the responses to exceptional conditions specified?

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6. Which one of the following is an important advantage of a decision table over a decision tree for specification of complex decision logic?

a. Specifies which variables are to be tested.
b. Specifies what actions are to be taken if the conditions are true.
c. Is more compact and therefore can meaningfully represent highly complex logic.
d. Specifies the order in which decision making is performed.
e. Visually depicts the sequence in which decision making logic is exercised

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7. Which one of the following assertions about functional requirements is FALSE?

A functional requirement is also called a behavioural requirement
b. The functional requirements are independent of each other
c. A functional requirement may consist of several scenarios of execution
d. A functional requirement is a statement of how certain inputs to program get converted to the corresponding outputs
e. Some of the functional requirements specify the required system performance

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8. Consider the following partial description of a campus security software. “The police officer on duty should be able to lodge a complaint against an erring driver.” Which one of the following types of requirements is this?

a. Functional requirement
b. Non-Functional requirement
c. Design requirement
d. Design constraint
e. External interface requirement
f. Goal of implementation

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9. Consider the following partial requirement for a software to be developed: “Before any unexpected system crash or shutdown all current data must be saved for seamless restoration.” It can be considered to be which one of the following types of requirements?

a. Functional requirement
b. Non-Functional requirement
c. Design constraint
d. Goal of implementation
e. External interface requirement

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10. Which one of the following most accurately states the time at which the requirement specification activity carried out during the requirements analysis and specification?

a. During requirements gathering activity
b. Before requirements analysis activity
c. Before requirements gathering activity
d. After requirements analysis activity
e. During requirements analysis activity

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11. Which one of the following are not requirements gathering techniques?

a. Task analysis
b. Scenario analysis
c. Structured analysis
d. Form analysis
e. SRS document review

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About Software Engineering

Large-scale software development poses special challenges. This course targets to expose the students to the challenges of large-scale software development and would expose the students as to how to overcome those. Starting with basic life cycle model concepts, it would discuss requirements specification, design, and testing issues. The concepts will be illustrated with appropriate examples.


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4 Answers 2022

1. A software requirements specification (SRS) document should avoid discussing which one of the following?

a. Functional requirements
b. Non-functional requirements
c. Design specification
d. Constraints on the implementation
e. Resource allocation for the project


2. Consider the following requirement for a word processor software: ” The software should provide facility to import an existing image available as a jpeg file into the document being created.”. Which one of the following types of requirements is this?

a. Functional requirement
b. Non-functional requirement
c. Constraint on the implementation
d. Goal of implementation
e. External interface requirement


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NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4 Answers 2023

3. Which one of the following assertions is FALSE about functional requirements?

a. A functional requirement is also called a behavioural requirement
b. A functional requirement is also called a structural requirement
c. A functional requirement may consist of several scenarios of execution
d. A functional requirement is a statement of how certain inputs to program are mapped to the outputs
e. Some of the functional requirements specify the required system performance


4. Consider the following partial description of the IIT security software. “Employees of the company should be able to register their vehicles with the payroll software.” Which one of the following types of requirements is this?

a. Functional requirement
b. NonFunctional requirement
c. Design requirement
d. Design constraint
e. External interface requirement


5. Consider the following partial requirement for a software: “It should be possible to use a web browser as the front end.” It can be considered to be which one of the following types of requirements?

a. Functional requirement
b. Non-functional requirement
c. Design constraint
d. External interface
e. Goal of implementation


6. Which one of the following most precisely states when is the requirement specification activity carried out in a iterative waterfall-based software development ?

a. During requirements gathering activity
b. Before requirements analysis activity
c. Before requirements gathering activity
d. After requirements analysis activity
e. During feasibility study


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NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment 4 Answers 2023

7. When a company plans to develop a generic product, who among the following is usually the source of the requirements?

a. Development team members
b. Project manager
c. Sales personnel
d. Personnel from finance department
e. A future user of the product


8. Which of the following are not requirements gathering techniques?

a. Task analysis
b. Scenario analysis
c. Form analysis
d. Requirements review
e. Requirements analysis


9. Which of the following problems in the gathered requirements is not the focus of the requirements analysis task?

a. Inconsistency
b. Ambiguity
c. Incompleteness
d. Unstructuredness
e. Grammar and sentence construction problems


10. Which one of the following views is implicit in an SRS document?

a. Black box
b. White box
c. Grey box
d. Glass box
e. Both grey and glass box


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