Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2 Answers 2023

Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2 Answers 2023:- In this post, We have provided answers of Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week 2 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Which of the following statements should be avoided during a conflict?

  • “I am right, and you are wrong.”
  • “What you say is true, but I will not accept it.”
  • “Let us find a win-lose solution.”
  • “Let us find a win-win solution.”
  • “I am sorry, and if I have hurt you, your sentiments, or made this mistake, I apologize for that.”
  • “I am not interested in your arguments.”
Answer :- "I am right, and you are wrong."
"What you say is true, but I will not accept it."
"Let us find a win-lose solution."
"I am not interested in your arguments."

2. A fight between two students at school escalates and creates a conflict between their parents. Identify the right ways to deal with the situation.

  • The parents engage in open and respectful communication, actively listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns.
  • The parents agree to involve a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate productive discussions and help them find common ground.
  • The parents engage in a blame game, constantly pointing fingers at each other or their children.
  • The parents prioritize their children’s well-being and emotional needs above their own grievances.
  • The parents encourage their children to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to each other.
  • The parents engage in retaliatory actions, seeking to hurt or harm the other family as a way to get back at them for the conflict.
Answer :- The parents engage in open and respectful communication, actively listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns.
The parents agree to involve a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate productive discussions and help them find common ground.

The parents encourage their children to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to each other.

3. Salma and Kumari are both participating in a beauty pageant. They have been asked to perform together for a talent round but have different opinions on what to do. Salma believes they should perform a dance routine, while Kumari thinks they should sing a classical duet. This disagreement is causing tension between them and may impact their performance in the competition. What are some potential solutions for resolving this conflict between Salma and Kumari?

  • Salma should choose what to do as anybody can dance.
  • Kumari should have the final say as she is a trained classical singer and should be able to showcase her expertise.
  • Salma and Kumari should compromise and create a talent performance incorporating singing and dancing.
  • Salma and Kumari should seek the guidance of a professional coach/mentor to help them come to an agreement and perform to the best of their abilities.
  • Salma and Kumari should request the organizers to allow them to perform separately.
  • Salma and Kumari should cancel the show, as no one should force them to perform with someone they are not on good terms with.
Answer :- Salma and Kumari should compromise and create a talent performance incorporating singing and dancing.

Salma and Kumari should seek the guidance of a professional coach/mentor to help them come to an agreement and perform to the best of their abilities.

4. A group of friends plans a trip but struggles to agree on the destination and activities. Different opinions clash as the discussion heats up, leading to interpersonal conflicts. Identify the individuals who showcase conflict resolution skills.

  • Abhaya insists on going to a beach destination, while few others prefer a mountainous location. Their differing preferences lead to heated arguments and misunderstandings.
  • Madhavi suggests a collaborative approach, encouraging each friend to present their preferred activities, and then they collectively decide on an itinerary that accommodates everyone’s interest.
  • Prarthana practices active listening, empathizing with her friends’ viewpoints, and expressing her preferences respectfully, aiming to find common ground.
  • Shankar dominates the conversation, dismissing others’ suggestions and imposing his preferences on the group. This authoritarian approach escalates the conflict.
  • Midhuna decides to remain silent during the discussion, avoiding expressing her preferences to keep the peace.
  • Satwik openly criticizes his friends’ suggestions, creating a hostile atmosphere and damaging trust among the group members.
Answer :- Madhavi suggests a collaborative approach, encouraging each friend to present their preferred activities, and then they collectively decide on an itinerary that accommodates everyone’s interest.

Prarthana practices active listening, empathizing with her friends’ viewpoints, and expressing her preferences respectfully, aiming to find common ground.

5. Akhila, a social media influencer, and Praveena, her best friend, are not talking due to a misunderstanding. The conflict has left Akhila feeling upset and unsure of how to proceed. Which of the following measures should Akhila adopt?

  • Reach out to Praveena and try to talk to her about the misunderstanding.
  • Confront Praveena and demand an apology for the misunderstanding.
  • Write her thoughts and feelings in a journal to help her process the situation.
  • Continue to ignore Praveena and hope that the situation resolves itself.
  • Seek the help of a neutral third party, such as a common friend, to mediate the conflict.
  • Find a new friend to replace Praveena and move on from the conflict.
Answer :- Reach out to Praveena and try to talk to her about the misunderstanding.

Seek the help of a neutral third party, such as a common friend, to mediate the conflict.

6. Identify the statements that are TRUE regarding stress.

  • Stress affects everyone in the same way.
  • Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on your physical health.
  • Neglecting stress altogether will enhance the quality of one’s life.
  • Stress can strain relationships and hinder effective communication.
  • High levels of stress can negatively impact your productivity and performance.
  • By regulating stress, you can maintain a healthier and balanced lifestyle.
Answer :- Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on your physical health.

Stress can strain relationships and hinder effective communication.

High levels of stress can negatively impact your productivity and performance.

By regulating stress, you can maintain a healthier and balanced lifestyle.

7. Which among the following comments are destructive and should not be included in an argument?

  • “I cannot believe how stupid your argument is.”
  • “Let us take a break and return to this later when we feel calmer.”
  • “Let us focus on finding a solution instead of placing the blame on someone.”
  • “You are not capable of understanding my point of view.”
  • “I understand where this argument is coming from, but I see things differently.”
  • “Why are you so sensitive? You need to toughen up.”
Answer :- “I cannot believe how stupid your argument is.”

“You are not capable of understanding my point of view.”

“Why are you so sensitive? You need to toughen up.”

8. Vinshy and Tanya are roommates with different lifestyles and habits, leading to conflicts and tensions within their living arrangement. Identify the right approaches they should adopt to resolve the issue.

  • Establishment of clear communication channels
  • Blaming the other person first
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Compromise and flexibility
  • Avoidance
  • Revenge and retaliation
Answer :- Establishment of clear communication channels

Compromise and flexibility

9. Identify the situations that provide win-win solutions from the following options.

  • A team faces a conflict arising from differing opinions on a project approach. Rather than dismissing or favoring one perspective, they hold a constructive discussion, listen to each other’s viewpoints, and integrate the best aspects of all ideas to reach an innovative solution that satisfies all team members.
  • A parent imposes her own decisions on a child without considering the child’s input or needs, leading to a strained relationship and the child feeling disempowered and unheard.
  • Two employees in the same department need flexibility in their work schedules due to personal commitments. They work together to create a rotating schedule that allows both individuals to accommodate their needs while ensuring coverage and maintaining productivity for the team.
  • A community organization has limited funds to allocate for different projects. They engage in a participatory budgeting process where community members propose and vote on project ideas, ensuring that the resources are distributed to address various needs and priorities.
  • A family is trying to choose a vacation destination. Instead of one person making the decision, they engage in a family meeting where everyone shares their preferences, considerations, and concerns. Through open dialogue, they collectively decide on a destination that accommodates various interests and ensures an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • Two friends disagree about a financial deal. Instead of arguing or compromising on their individual preferences, they explore alternative options and find a compromise that allows both of them to enjoy aspects of their preferred benefits, strengthening their friendship.
Answer :- a, c, d, e

10. Who among the following DOES NOT display a constructive mindset?

  • Devyani struggles with delegating tasks and trusting her team members. She constantly interferes with their work, hampers their autonomy, and stifles creativity. Her need for control and lack of faith in her team’s abilities limits their growth and hinders overall productivity.
  • Mirash always finds something to complain about, regardless of the situation. His negative attitude affects team morale and hampers collaboration.
  • Hassan finds himself in a conflict situation with a colleague. Rather than escalating the tension or engaging in blame, he approaches the conversation with empathy and active listening. He seeks to understand the other person’s perspective, respectfully communicates his concerns, and works towards finding a mutually beneficial resolution.
  • Annapoorna has a curious mindset and a thirst for knowledge. She actively seeks out opportunities to expand her skills and expertise. She attends workshops, reads books, and enrolls in online courses to stay updated in her field.
  • Zakir is a team leader who fosters a positive and inclusive work environment. He encourages open communication, values diverse perspectives, and actively involves team members in decision-making processes. He recognizes individual contributions and creates opportunities for team members to learn, grow, and succeed together.
  • Kunal has a pessimistic outlook on life and constantly expects the worst outcome. He dismisses new ideas or initiatives as bound to fail and discourages others from pursuing innovative solutions. His cynicism creates a hostile atmosphere and dampens enthusiasm and motivation within the team.
Answer :- a, b, f

11. “Stress management is __________ management,” according to Shereka Dunston.

  • anxiety
  • sorrow
  • life
  • memory
  • anger
  • business
Answer :- life

12. Muskan, a talented poetess, finds herself in a conflict when she receives an invitation to perform her poetry at two prestigious events on the same day. Both events hold significant importance in her career and offer valuable opportunities for exposure and networking. Muskan understands the importance of carefully considering her options and the potential consequences of her decision. She wants to make a choice that maximizes her chances of growth, exposure, and artistic fulfillment. Which among the following options is the most appropriate approach in this situation?

  • Flip a coin.
  • Cancel both performances.
  • Succumb to peer pressure.
  • Delay decision indefinitely.
  • Allow the stress to consume her.
  • Evaluate the importance of the opportunities
Answer :- Evaluate the importance of the opportunities

13. What is the first step toward resolving a conflict?

  • Focusing on the problem, not the person
  • Blaming someone for the conflict
  • Making the other person apologize even though it is not their fault
  • Ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away
  • Interrupting the other person while they are talking
  • Dominating the conversation with one’s own ideas
Answer :- Focusing on the problem, not the person

14. Who among the following DOES NOT have a strong sense of vocation?

  • Riya is a veterinarian who has always had a strong affinity for animals. She is deeply committed to caring for and healing needy animals, viewing her work as a calling rather than just a job.
  • Manoj is a musician who feels a deep connection to his craft. He sees music as a means of expressing his emotions and connecting with others on a profound level.
  • Daksha is a graphic designer who has a true passion for visual storytelling. She sees design as a powerful tool for communication and uses her skills to create compelling and impactful visuals that convey meaningful messages.
  • Hari is primarily driven by external rewards and financial success rather than a deep passion for his work.
  • Raju is committed to improving the lives of marginalized individuals and works tirelessly to advocate for their rights and well-being.
  • Varghese sees his culinary skills as an art form and delights in creating unique and delicious dishes that bring joy to others.
  • Sophia is an art therapist who uses art as a means of healing and self- expression.
Answer :- Hari is primarily driven by external rewards and financial success rather than a deep passion for his work."

15. Conflict also means ________________ .

  • a state of tranquility.
  • absence of differences.
  • discord of action.
  • effortless collaboration.
  • total conformity.
  • consensus and compromise.
Answer :- discord of action

16. What does Parkinson’s Law state?

  • Creativity is hampered by criticism.
  • Artificial Intelligence will take over humanity as we know it now.
  • Supply and demand are directly proportional.
  • Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
  • Time expands to create a universe that is filled with possibilities.
  • Satisfaction from one’s career is inversely proportional to the stress experienced by it.
Answer :- Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

17. Being mindful means:

  • Being preoccupied with the past or future rather than fully experiencing the present moment.
  • Reacting impulsively and without consideration for the consequences of your actions.
  • Being excessively self-centered and focused only on one’s own needs and desires.
  • Being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment.
  • Ignoring or suppressing one’s emotions and thoughts.
  • Letting your mind wander aimlessly without actively directing your attention.
Answer :- Being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment.

18. Which among the following options can improve one’s sleep?

  • Engage in excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Regulate one’s stress and engage in activities that promote relaxation.
  • Eat heavy or spicy meals close to bedtime.
  • Multitask excessively.
  • Keep your bedroom cluttered and disorganized.
  • Dwell on negative thoughts and situations.
Answer :- Regulate one’s stress and engaging in activities that promote relaxation.

19. At which level of conflict resolution is a third party requested to act like a judge?

  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration
  • Conciliation
  • Litigation
  • Collaboration
Answer :- Arbitration

20. Which among the following reasons correctly explains the reason why taking a break from work can be productive?

  • Taking a break from work is a sign of laziness and lack of commitment to one’s responsibilities.
  • Taking a break from work is a waste of time and hinders productivity and progress.
  • Taking a break from work is a selfish indulgence that puts personal needs above professional obligations.
  • Taking a break from work is a sign of weakness and an inability to handle the demands of the job.
  • Taking a break from work is good because it helps reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing for improved mental and physical well-being.
  • Taking a break from work is an excuse to avoid challenges and escape from difficult situations.
Answer :- Taking a break from work is good because it helps reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing for improved mental and physical well-being.

21. Heera is an animal trainer who only agrees to train five animals a year, as more than that will cause her stress. Heera is unreasonable as one should engage in their profession as much as possible.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

22. Amrita and Rahul decide to get married. As they get closer to their wedding day, Rahul realizes he is not ready to marry and communicates this to Amrita. This creates a conflict of interest, and they decide to end their relationship amicably. This is a healthy approach as they were honest each other and could respect their individual choices.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True

23. Stress is a myth created by people to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and decisions.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

24. Seema believes that we have control over the occurrence of conflicts and can avoid them if we refuse to interact with people. Seema is correct.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

25. Paresh is a salesman who leads a stressful life. He finds solace in taking it out on his wife. The wife believes this can be justified due to his stress. She is right.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False
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CategoryNPTEL Assignment Answer
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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2 Answers 2022

1. Choose the ‘key terms’ synonymous with “conflict:”

a. Contradiction
b. Disharmony
c. Acceptance
d. Dispute
e. Peace
f. Hostility

Answer:- a, b, d, f

2. Choose the persons with constructive conflict resolving quality:

a. Shabnam disagrees with ideas rather than disagreeing with an individual’s personality.
b. Yusuf politely asks his neighbours not to park vehicles in front of his home and directs them to an alternative parking place.
c. Raveena disagrees with an individual rather than with their ideas.
d. Sundar’s disagreement delays his group’s project and upsets their progress.
e. Joe always expects apologies from others.
f. Gurpreet takes responsibility and tries to have a win-win solution.

Answer:- a, b, f

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2 Answers 2023

3. Consider the situation: You have a close friend circle of four members. One day, two of your friends are fighting in college on open ground. You stop them and enquire about the reason for their fight. They both blame each other for conspiring against them in the upcoming college election and spreading misinformation that would hurt their reputation. You also understand that your friends came to know about each other’s misdeeds through gossip. The situation is getting hot and could cost their friendship. It could destroy your close friend circle. How would you resolve the conflict in such a scenario?

a. You will try to get the facts and attempt to verify the objective truth beyond the information gathered from gossip.
b. You will advise them to focus on the problem rather than blaming each other. 
c. You will ask them not to discuss anything about this and leave the place.
d. You will take them to a conducive environment as the open ground is not a place for negotiation. 
e. You will ask them to listen to each other’s stories patiently and decide after scrutinizing the truth from the gossip.
f. You will allow them to abuse each other and quarrel but in a private place rather than an open ground. 

Answer:- a, b, d, e

4. Why should one aim for a win-win solution?

a. It will create an intense feeling of mutual respect. 
b. It will help one to get all the attention and can boast about their generousness. 
c. Love grows deeper with every conflict resolved in a way that would benefit both the parties.
d. It will help one from going to court, which would save money.
e. It will help people become more intense and more compassionate with each other.
f. One should not move toward a win-win solution. 

Answer:- a, c, e

5. Identify all the destructive traits that occurred during the conflict between the son and dad, as discussed in the Lecture-09:

a. Father belittled his son by comparing his score with others which functions as blame and a reason for failing to keep his promise. 
b. Both were accusing each other instead of taking responsibility for the conflict. 
c. Father keeps insisting that the problem is with his son, which provokes him.
d. They were taking responsibility instead of blaming each other. 
e. Father uses abusive words such as “ungrateful dog.”
f. They both were trying to play the victim and wanted the other to apologize. 

Answer:- a, b, c, e, f

6. The skill of Conflict Resolution is essential because:

  • [ ] It will make one the desired person in both professional and personal space.
  • [ ] It will help one to gain an authoritative power.
  • [ ] It will help one to build harmonious relationships with others.
  • [ ] It will help one win an Oscar Award.
  • [ ] It can determine one’s ability to be a leader.
  • [ ] It will help one to solve a software program.
Answer:- a, c, e

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 2 Answers 2023

7. Choose the appropriate statements that “emphasizes needs” rather than demanding solutions” during a conflict:

  • [ ] “Hey, guys! Nice Music! I need a quiet atmosphere because I am preparing for my exam tomorrow.”
  • [ ] “Hey! There is some error in your typing. Nothing to worry about, I will rectify them. Give me the document.”
  • [ ] “Sir, could you kindly not park the vehicle in front of my home. It blocks our passage. I will show you an alternative place.”
  • [ ] “Hello, sir, this is a railway station, and many people are here. Could you kindly not smoke in a public place?”
  • [ ] “I know you are good at English but struggle with Mathematics. How was the exam? Would you pass the exam?”
  • [ ] “You goose, we are just freaking out, you can find a peaceful place yourself.”
Answer:- a, b, c, d, e

8. “Putting yourself into the shoes of the others” means:

  • [ ] To borrow a shoe from your friend and wear it to a party
  • [ ] To express empathy
  • [ ] To donate a shoe to a homeless person
  • [ ] To try and understand what another person might feel
  • [ ] To oppose what others are trying to say
  • [ ] To deny the experience of another individual and promote only your experience
Answer:- b, d

9. Choose the CORRECT statements about conflicts:

  • [ ] Interpersonal conflict happens within oneself.
  • [ ] Intrapersonal conflict happens between two or among a few people.
  • [ ] Intrapersonal conflict needs the toughest conflict resolving skills.
  • [ ] Intergroup conflict occurs within a group.
  • [ ] Intragroup conflict happens between two or among different groups.
  • [ ] Intrapersonal conflict leaves one with a psychological dilemma.
Answer:- c, f

10. Identify the ways to focus on the problem rather than on the person:

  • [ ] Find the cause rather than the doer
  • [ ] Listen to the opposition to know their values
  • [ ] Have the attitude: “It is not the person I am opposing but a few of his notions.”
  • [ ] Always blame the opposition for the conflict
  • [ ] Be rigid with your ideas and never submit to your opposition’s views
  • [ ] Always fight to prove your point
Answer:- a, b, c

11. Choose the ODD statement out regarding conflict:

  • “Should I get up or sleep for a while?”
  • “I am not sure whether I should skip breakfast or eat it.”
  • “I am exhausted, but I have work. Should I procrastinate or not?”
  • “Should I give up laziness or not?”
  • “I am confused; which treatment should I prefer for my knee pain: Ayurvedic or Allopathic?”
  • “You always say ‘okay,’ but you never actually care what I want.”
Answer:- f

12. What does NOT make conflict a positive event?

  • Conflict can be used for clarifying, learning, and for promoting a stimulating environment.
  • It can help strengthen an intimate relationship.
  • Creative solutions can be arrived at in the workplace.
  • Conflicts can create anxiousness and confusion in children, leading to psychological disorders.
  • It helps in developing new ties and friendships.
  • Conflicts are opportunities for growth and overcoming hurdles.
Answer:- d

13. Based on the given description, identify the person who is handling conflict in the WRONG way:

  • Imran always embraces conflict and sees it as a part of day-to-day life.
  • John retrospectively looks at the conflict and introspects on the ways he resolved it.
  • Vivek, instead of being a passive observer at the time of conflict, tries to help people to resolve it.
  • Mala gently interferes in unknown situations and attempts to resolve conflicts.
  • Raju does not listen to others’ experiences but tries to dominate and win conflicts.
  • Gauri uses conflicts as stepping-stones to strengthen her character and personality.
Answer:- e

14. Raju usually appears to be a casual person who does not start his assignment till the day before the deadline. His inactiveness can only be broken when forced or under pressure to work. Nonetheless, once Raju starts the work, he finishes it before time and in a perfect manner. He seems to enjoy doing great work at the last moment. How would you interpret this situation?

  • There should not be any deadline for assignments.
  • Raju is incapable of doing any work.
  • Raju is using Eustress for his benefit and gets work done.
  • Raju’s teacher is a strict person who does not allow late submissions.
  • Raju’s teacher puts a lot of pressure on students.
  • Raju is an active person in his class.
Answer:- For Answer Click Here

15. What is NOT a trait of Eustress?

  • It helps in brainstorming and inducing creative ideas.
  • It helps to become an expert at solving problems at the last minute.
  • It pumps in adrenalin.
  • It slows you down and will give splitting headaches.
  • It helps to break inactivity.
  • It has a positive effects on people.
Answer:- d

16. Hans Selye says: “It is not ________ that kills us, it is our _________ to it.”

  • blood pressure, medication
  • cancer, reaction
  • stress, reaction
  • reaction, stress
  • accident, carelessness
  • war, lethargy
Answer:- c

17. What is the way to master stress?

  • Get into substance abuse and liquor practices
  • Isolate yourself and avoid opening up to anyone
  • Shout at people to relieve stress
  • Have healthy habits and focus on intrapersonal stress first
  • Avoid medical help even if the mental pressure is out of control
  • Lie to friends and family that you are not under stress
Answer:- d

18. What is the CORRECT statement about stress?

  • Stress in an Italian way of cooking.
  • Stress is the reason for the formation of black holes.
  • Stress is caused by mental pressure, emotional worries and physical strain.
  • Stress is the state when an individual is at serenity.
  • Stress indicates that you have a better personality.
  • Stress is the name of a computer program.
Answer:- c

19. You are going on a business trip to sign a deal for your company. Unfortunately, you overslept at the hotel due to the body pain from travelling and were late for the meeting. You panic and start worrying that the company might fire you off. To make matters worse, on the way to the meeting, you find that you have brought in the wrong documents. You lose your emotional stability and break down, considering the blunder you have made. You are starting to have severe headaches, shortness of breath, and you lose your composure. You feel lost and do not know what to do next. What is the diagnosis of this situation?

  • You are a person who has better conflict resolution skills.
  • You don’t care about the document because you are capable of win-win negotiations.
  • You are focusing on the need rather than the solution.
  • You are stressed due to the recent mishaps and cannot handle it.
  • You are a happy-go-lucky person.
  • You are capable of diffusing anger.
Answer:- d

20. Who wrote the book Marriage and Morals?

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Bertrand Russell
  • Chetan Bhagat
  • Albert Camus
  • R. K. Narayan
  • Toni Morrison
Answer:- b

21. Stress is a balance between situational demand and professional supply.

  • True
  • False
Answer:- b

22. “I am right, but you are wrong” can lead to a win-win negotiation.

  • True
  • False
Answer:- For Answer Click Here

23. Third-party assistance to resolve conflict is ineffective.

  • True
  • False
Answer:- b

24. Harmful stress is also known as “distress.”

  • True
  • False
Answer:- a

25. Three levels of conflict resolution are negotiation, mediation, and meditation.

  • True
  • False
Answer:- b

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About Developing Soft Skills and Personality

The course aims to cause a basic awareness about the significance of soft skills in professional and inter-personal communications and facilitate an all-round development of personality. Hard or technical skills help securing a basic position in one’s life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retain it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills.


Week 1: 

  • Lecture 1: Introduction: A New Approach To Learning
  •       Lecture 2: Planning And Goal-Setting
  •       Lecture 3: Human Perceptions: Understanding People
  •       Lecture 4: Types Of Soft Skills: Self-Management Skills
  •       Lecture 5: Aiming For Excellence: Developing Potential And Self-Actualisation
  •       Lecture 6: Need Achievement And Spiritual Intelligence

Week 2: 

  • Lecture 7: Conflict Resolution Skills: Seeking Win-Win Solution
  •       Lecture 8: Inter-Personal Conflicts: Two Examples
  •       Lecture 9: Inter-Personal Conflicts: Two Solutions
  •       Lecture 10: Types Of Conflicts: Becoming A Conflict Resolution Expert 
  •       Lecture 11: Types Of Stress: Self-Awareness About Stress 
  •       Lecture 12: Regulating Stress: Making The Best Out Of Stress

Week 3: 

  • Lecture 13: Habits: Guiding Principles
  •       Lecture 14: Habits: Identifying Good And Bad Habits  
  •       Lecture 15: Habits: Habit Cycle
  •       Lecture 16: Breaking Bad Habits
  •       Lecture 17: Using The Zeigarnik Effect For Productivity And Personal Growth  
  •       Lecture 18: Forming Habits Of Success

Week 4: 

  • Lecture 19: Communication: Significance Of Listening
  •       Lecture 20:Communication: Active Listening
  •       Lecture 21:Communication: Barriers To Active Listening 
  •         Lecture 22:Telephone Communication: Basic Telephone Skills 
  •       Lecture 23:Telephone Communication: Advanced Telephone Skills 
  •       Lecture 24: Telephone Communication: Essential Telephone Skills

Week 5: 

  • Lecture 25: Technology And Communication: Technological Personality
  •       Lecture 26: Technology And Communication: Mobile Personality?
  •       Lecture 27: Topic: Technology And Communication: E-Mail Principles
  •       Lecture 28: Technology And Communication: How Not To Send E-Mails!
  •       Lecture 29: Technology And Communication: Netiquette
  •       Lecture 30: Technology And Communication: E-Mail Etiquette

Week 6: 

  • Lecture 31: Communication Skills: Effective Communication
  •       Lecture 32: Barriers To Communication: Arising Out Of Sender/Receiver’s Personality
  •       Lecture 33: Barriers To Communication: Interpersonal Transactions
  •       Lecture 34: Barriers To Communication: Miscommunication
  •       Lecture 35: Non-Verbal Communication: Pre-Thinking Assessment-1
  •       Lecture 36: Non-Verbal Communication: Pre-Thinking Assessment-2

Week 7: 

  • Lecture 37: Nonverbal Communication: Introduction And Importance
  •       Lecture 38: Non-Verbal Communication: Issues And Types
  •       Lecture 39: Non-Verbal Communication: Basics And Universals
  •       Lecture 40: Non-Verbal Communication: Interpreting Non-Verbal Cues
  •       Lecture 41: Body Language: For Interviews
  •       Lecture 42: Body Language: For Group Discussions

Week 8: 

  • Lecture 43: Presentation Skills: Overcoming Fear
  •       Lecture 44: Presentation Skills: Becoming A Professional
  •       Lecture 45: Presentation Skills: The Role Of Body Language
  •       Lecture 46: Presentation Skills: Using Visuals
  •       Lecture 47: Reading Skills: Effective Reading
  •       Lecture 48: Human Relations: Developing Trust And Integrity


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

In this post, We have provided answers of Developing Soft Skills and Personality Assignment 1. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

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