NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Quiz Answers 2023

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Answers 2023:- Hello students in this article we are going to share Answers of NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Answers 2023. All the Answers are provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment with your own knowledge.

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following points) is/are true for an ethical hacker?

a. An ethical hacker intends to gain unauthorized access to a resource for financial gain or personal recognition.
b. An ethical hacker defaces websites or crash backend servers for fun, reputation damage or to cause financial loss.
C. An ethical hacker is not concerned with improving the organization’s security posture.
d. None of these.

Answer :- d

2. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

a. In the black box model, the tester has complete information about the network.
b. In the white box model, the tester does not have any information about the network.
c. In the gray box model, the tester has partial information about the network.
d. None of these.

Answer :- c

3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are false for a packet switched network?

a. A communication link can be shared by more than one connection.
b. A communication link is dedicated to a connection and cannot be shared with other connections.
C. It is efficient for busty traffic.
d. The packet transfer delay between a pair of nodes may depend on the prevailing network traffic.

Answer :- b

4. Which of the following statements) is/are true for datagram-based packet transfer approach?

a. It is a connection-less packet switching approach, where no route is established priori to transfer of packets.
b. In this approach, each packet is transmitted as an independent entity.
c. In this approach each intermediate node can perform dynamic routing.
d. In this approach all the packets reach in order to the destination.

Answer :- a, b, c

5. What is the purpose of the port number in TCP/IP networks?

a. It uniquely identifies a network interface of a computer system.
b. It uniquely identifies a host in the network.
c. It uniquely identifies a running application on a specific host in the network.
d. It indicates how many hardware ports are there in the computer system. e. None of these.

Answer :- c

6. Which of the following is not a valid port numbers in TCP/IP?

a. 21
b. 80
c. 443
d. 8080
e. 80800

Answer :- e

7. Which of the following functionality does Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) perform?

a. Map IP addresses to hardware (MAC) addresses.
b. Map hardware addresses (MAC) to IP addresses.
c. Performs error control and correction.
d. Breaks the packet into smaller packets, if required.

Answer :- a

8. Which of the following statements) is/are false?

a. IP provides connectionless, unreliable delivery systems for packets.
b. UDP provides connectionless, unreliable delivery systems for packets
c. TCP provides connectionless, unreliable delivery systems for packets.
d. None of these.

Answer :- c

9. If the IP header is 96 bits long, what will be the value (in decimal) of the “HLEN” field ?

Answer :- 3

10. The maximum size of data that can be accommodated in an IP datagram is bytes.

Answer :- 65515

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Answers 2022

1. In which of the following penetration testing models, no information about the network is given to tester ?

a. White box model.
b. Black box model.
c. Red box Model.
d. Gray box model.
e. None of these.

Answer:- b. Black box model. 

In the Black Box penetration testing model, the tester is not given any information about the network and is expected to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses through reconnaissance and other methods. White Box, Gray Box and Red Box, the tester is given some information about the network and the scope of the test is defined, the tester has to test the system according to the scope.

2. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for a circuit switched network?

a. A communication link can be shared by more than one connection.
b. A communication link is dedicated to a connection and cannot be shared with other connections.
c. The packet transter delay between a pair of nodes may depend on the prevailing network traffic.
d. The packet transfer delay between a pair of nodes is more or less constant during the entire period of the connection. e. It is efficient for bursty traffic.

Answer:- b. A communication link is dedicated to a connection and cannot be shared with other connections.
d. The packet transfer delay between a pair of nodes is more or less constant during the entire period of the connection.

In a circuit-switched network, a dedicated physical path is established between two nodes for the duration of the communication session. This path is not shared with other connections and the delay in packet transfer is constant during the entire period of the connection. However, it is less efficient for bursty traffic, meaning it is not well suited for applications that experience sudden spikes in traffic.

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NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Quiz Answers 2023

3. A 1000 byte packet is sent over a 50 kilo-bits-per-second (Kbps) point-to-point link whose propagation delay is 10 msec. The packet will reach the destination after____________ (Assume 1K = 1000) mse.

Answer:- 170

To calculate the time it takes for a packet to reach its destination over a link, we need to consider both the transmission time and the propagation delay.

Transmission time = (Size of packet * 8 bits/byte) / (Link speed in bits/sec) = (1000 * 8) / (50 * 1000) = 0.16 sec = 160 ms

Propagation delay = 10 ms

Therefore, the total time for the packet to reach its destination is the sum of the transmission time and the propagation delay, which is 160 ms + 10 ms = 170 ms.

4. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for virtual circuit based packet transfer approach ?

a. It is a connection-oriented approach, where a route is established priori to transfer of packets.
b. In this approach, each packets follows distinct path.
c. The intermediate node can perform dynamic routing.
d. All the packets reach in order to the destination. It is a true packet switched network.

Answer:- a. It is a connection-oriented approach, where a route is established priori to transfer of packets.
d. All the packets reach in order to the destination.

In virtual circuit based packet transfer approach, a virtual path is established between the source and destination before the actual data transfer takes place. This virtual path is called a virtual circuit, it is used for all the packets that are part of the same communication session. This approach is connection-oriented, meaning that a connection is established before data transfer, unlike a connectionless approach.
All packets follow the same path, and they reach the destination in order, and the intermediate node doesn't perform dynamic routing. However, it is not a true packet switched network because it has some characteristics of circuit switched networks.

5. Which of the following OSI layers is responsible for end-to-end reliable data transfer, with error recovery and flow control?

a. Session layer
b. Transport layer
c. Network layer
d. Datalink layer e. Physical layer

Answer:- b. Transport layer

The Transport layer is responsible for end-to-end reliable data transfer, with error recovery and flow control. It provides reliable, in-order delivery of data between applications running on different devices, by using mechanisms such as error checking and retransmission of lost or corrupted packets. It also provides flow control to prevent the sender from overwhelming the receiver with more data than it can handle.
Additionally, it can also segment the data into smaller units and reassemble them at the receiver side, this process is called segmentation and reassembly.

The Session layer is responsible for establishing, managing and terminating sessions between applications.

6. Which of the following is/are false for TCP/IP model?

a. It allows cross-platform communications among heterogeneous networks.
b. Itis a scalable client-server architecture which allows network modification without disrupting the current services.
c. It can also represent any other protocol stack other than the TCP/IP suite such as Bluetooth connection.
d. None of these.

Answer:- C. It can also represent any other protocol stack other than the TCP/IP suite such as Bluetooth connection.

The TCP/IP model is a widely used communication model that enables cross-platform communications among heterogeneous networks. It is a scalable client-server architecture that allows network modification without disrupting the current services. However, it is specifically designed to work with the TCP/IP suite of protocols and cannot represent any other protocol stack such as Bluetooth.

The TCP/IP model is composed of four layers: the Application layer, the Transport layer, the Internet layer, and the Link layer. Each layer corresponds to one or more layers of the OSI model, and together they provide the

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NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Quiz Answers 2023

7. Which of the following is true for the IP?

a. It uniquely identifies a network interface of a computer system.
b. It uniquely identifies a host in the network.
c. It indicates how many hardware ports are there in the computer system.
d. None of these.

Answer:- b. It uniquely identifies a host in the network.

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a network layer protocol that provides the means to uniquely identify and address devices connected to a network. It assigns a unique IP address to each device connected to the network, this IP address serves as the device's unique identifier, and allows other devices to communicate with it. This IP address is used to route packets of data to their destination across the network, and it is not related to the number of hardware ports a computer system has.

8. How many bits are used for IP address (in IP version 4) and port number respectively?

a. 32,8
b.32, 16
c. 48, 8
d. 48, 16

Answer:- a. 32, 8

In IP version 4, an IP address is 32 bits long, represented as four octets (8-bit values) in the format "A.B.C.D". Each octet is represented by a decimal number between 0 and 255. This means that there are 4,294,967,296 (232) possible unique IP addresses in IPv4.

A port number is a 16-bit unsigned integer, therefore it is represented by 2 bytes (8-bit values), which means it can range from 0 to 65535.
Each device that can communicate over the internet has a unique IP address, and it uses port numbers to distinguish the various applications or services running on it.

9. If a 2000 byte data message is sent using a IFTP, the corresponding Ethernet packet will be of Size_________ bytes.

Answer:- 2028

The size of the corresponding Ethernet packet depends on the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the Ethernet network, but it typically ranges from 1500 to 9000 bytes.

TFTP is a simple file transfer protocol that operates at the Application layer of the OSI model. It works on top of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which is a connectionless protocol, it does not establish a reliable connection before sending data, it only adds a small header to the data, which includes source and destination port numbers and the length of the data.

So if a 2000 byte data message is sent using TFTP, the corresponding Ethernet packet will be of 2000 + 8(UDP header) + 20 (IP header) = 2028 bytes.

10. If the IP header is 192 bits long, what will be the value (in decimal) of the “HLEN” field______?

Answer:- 6

The "HLEN" field in the IP header is used to indicate the length of the IP header in 32-bit words. Each word is 4 bytes (32 bits) long.
If the IP header is 192 bits long, the value of the "HLEN" field in decimal will be 192 / 32 = 6.

The IP header is used to provide addressing and routing information for packets of data as they travel through a network. The HLEN field is a 4-bit field in the IP header, it tells the length of the IP header in multiples of 4 bytes. The HLEN value is used by the routers to determine the starting location of the data in the packet, it is also used to determine the size of the packet. The value of HLEN ranges from 0 to 15, 0 means the header is 0 bytes long, 15 means it is 60 bytes long.

Please note that IP header length can be different from the size of the packet, it only refers to the header and not the data in the packet.

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What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers. This practice helps to identify security vulnerabilities which can then be resolved before a malicious attacker has the opportunity to exploit them.


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NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Quiz Answers 2022

Q1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true with respect to penetration testing of a network? 

a. In the white box model, the tester has complete information about the network. 
b. In the black box model, the tester has complete information about the network. 
c. In the gray box model, the tester has partial information about the network. 
d. In the red box model, the tester does not have any information about the network.

Answer:- (A) & (C)

Q2. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for a packet switched network? 

a. A point-to-point communication link may be shared by more than one end-to-end connection. 
b. A point-to-point communication link is dedicated to a connection and cannot be shared with other connections. 
c. The packet transfer delay between a pair of nodes is more or less constant during the entire period of the connection. 
d. The packet transfer delay between a pair of nodes may depend on the prevailing network traffic.

Answer:- (A), (C) & (D)

Q3. A packet of size 5000 bytes is sent over a 100 kilo-bits-per-second (Kbps) point-to-point link whose propagation delay is 5 msec. The packet will reach the destination after ________ msec. (Assume 1K = 1000)

Answer:- 405

Q4. Which of the following OSI layers is responsible for node-to-node routing of packets? 

a. Physical layer 
b. Transport layer 
c. Network layer 
d. Datalink layer

Answer:- c. Network layer 

Q5. What is the purpose of the port number in TCP/IP networks? 

a. It uniquely identifies a network interface of a computer system. 
b. It uniquely identifies a host in the network. 
c. It indicates how many hardware ports are there in the computer system. 
d. None of these.

Answer:- (D) None of these.

Q6. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for the TCP protocol? 

a. It provides connection-oriented, reliable packet transfer service. 
b. It provides connection-less datagram service. 
c. All packets from a source to a destination follow the same path. 
d. It routes the packets from one node to the next.

Answer:- a. It provides connection-oriented, reliable packet transfer service. 

Q7. Which of the following are valid port numbers in TCP/IP? 

a. 10,000 
b. 50,000 
c. 100,000 
d. 500,000 
e. 750,000

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q8. If the IP header is 256 bits long, what will be the value of the “HLEN” field? 

a. 4 
b. 5 
c. 16 
d. 24 
e. None of these

Answer:- (E) None of these

Q9. The maximum size of data that can be accommodated in an IP datagram is ________ bytes.

Answer:- 65535

Q10. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? 

a. For small number of packets, datagram is faster than virtual circuits. 
b. For large number of packets, datagram is faster than virtual circuits. 
c. In datagram, a dedicated communication path is established between two end stations. 
d. In datagram, it is not required to establish a connection between two end systems.

Answer:- (A) & (D)

NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 1 Quiz Answers 2022:-All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge. We do not claim 100% surety of answers, Plz try to solve your Assignment at your own.


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