Marketing Management – I Assignment 6 Answers 2021

Marketing Management – I Assignment 6 Answers 2021:- Every student is requested to submit their assignments on the knowledge of their own, we do not promote copying answers. We are providing answers just as a reference

Q1. According to the tri-component model of attitude, the knowledge and perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with object and related information is termed as _____________ while a consumer’s emotion or feeling about a particular product or brand is termed as _____________. 

a) affective component, cognitive component 

b) conative component, affective component 

c) cognitive component, affective component 

d) affective component, conative component

Ans:- c) cognitive component, affective component 

Q2. Because services are intangible: 

a) Service quality control is not required 

b) Promotion of a service is difficult compared to that for goods 

c) Most services have elastic demand 

d) Services cannot be branded

Ans:- b) Promotion of a service is difficult compared to that for goods 

Q3. Which of the following is regularly used to understand a consumer’s cognitive component of attitude? 

a) Multiattribute attitude model  

b) Attribution theory  

c) Attitude consistency theory  

d) Attitude perception model

Ans:- a) Multiattribute attitude model  

Q4. Which of the following is not true regarding industrial marketing? 

a) Geographical concentration of customers is observed 

b) Number of customers is far lesser as compared to consumer markets 

c) Derived demand is usually observed in industrial markets 

d) Industrial buying process is usually much simpler compared to buying consumer staples

Ans:- d) Industrial buying process is usually much simpler compared to buying consumer staples

Q5. The first four steps of the industrial buying process in correct sequence (from left to right) are: 

a) Need recognition, product specification, need description, supplier search 

b) Need recognition, product specification, supplier search, need description 

c) Need recognition, supplier search, need description, product specification 

d) Need recognition, need description, product specification, supplier search

Ans:- d) Need recognition, need description, product specification, supplier search

Q6. Which of the following is an example of temporal risk when one visits a restaurant? 

a) Waiting a long time for the ordered food to be delivered 

b) Getting billed for the wrong food item 

c) Getting very spicy food 

d) None of these

Ans:- a) Waiting a long time for the ordered food to be delivered 

Q7. “Member in the organization who finally authorizes the purchase”  refers to which of the business buyer’s role: 

a) Influencer 

b) Approver 

c) Buyer 

d) Gate keeper

Ans:- b) Approver 

Q8. Identify the incorrect statement regarding the theory of reasoned action: 

a) Behavioural intention is influenced by subjective norm and attitude towards the behaviour 

b) Attitude towards the behaviour is influenced by beliefs that behaviour leads to outcomes and evaluation of outcomes 

c) Subjective norm depends on beliefs about what specific persons think about the persons’ expected behaviour and motivation to comply with the beliefs of the specific person 

d) Marketers can easily influence subjective norms as to create a positive behavioural intention

Ans:- d) Marketers can easily influence subjective norms as to create a positive behavioural intention

Q9. Which of the following defines ‘search’ attributes? 

a) These attributes are evaluated after purchase and consumption 

b) These attributes cannot be evaluated even after consumption 

c) They help customers evaluate a product before its purchase 

d) None of these

Ans:- c) They help customers evaluate a product before its purchase 

Q10. Which of the following is not likely to be an important objective of a global procurement managerial function? 

a) Lowest costs 

b) Tax evasion 

c) Best quality 

d) Efficiency in supply chain

Ans:- b) Tax evasion 


Marketing Management – I Assignment 6 Answers 2021:- Every student is requested to submit their assignments on the knowledge of their own, we do not promote copying answers. We are providing answers just as a reference


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