Hello, friends welcome to the blog post related to NPTEL exam pattern. we have tried to cover all the tips and tricks related to NPTEL & NPTEL Exam pattern.
NPTEL Registration Steps [July – Dec 2022]
NPTEL Exam Pattern Tips & Top Tricks [2022]
NPTEL Exam Result 2022 | NPTEL Swayam Result Download
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is an initiative taken by the Indian Institute of Technology of India and the Indian Institute of Science for creating course content in engineering and science. NPTEL is one of the largest online repositories of engineering course material and one of the most successful multi-institutional projects in the country. NPTEL as a project originated from many deliberations between the Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) during years 1999 – 2003. A proposal was jointly put forward by five IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, and Madras) and IISc for creating content for 100 courses as web-based supplements and 100 complete video courses, for forty hours of duration per course. NPTEL is also an online platform to learn, explore and implement new things concerning different branches of engineering.
Total marks:- 100
NPTEL Exam is totally based on your course type but mostly questions are MCQ based only with some fill-in-the-blanks and Definition Questions.
From experience NTPEL Exam pattern are mostly Assignment based questions 60% of questions will be similar to weekly quiz assignments and the rest 40% will be conceptual directly taken from video lectures.
Duration- 3hrs, but if you have finished the exam early you can leave after halftime (1 Hour and 30 minutes).
The number of questions in each section will depend on your course and obviously on the professor who is setup Exam the question paper.
Case-1:- If your course has an online programming test
Final exam marks will be – 75marks
Case-2:- If your course does not have an online programming test
Final exam marks – 100
No Negative marking
Contains 3 sections(mostly MCQ)
Section 1 – 2 marks
Section 2 – 2 marks
Section 3 – 2.5 marks or 3 marks
Most of the questions are MCQ based with some fill-in-the-blanks and definition questions
Note:- There is no fixed number of questions.
Answers will be Uploaded Shortly and it will be Notified on Telegram, So JOIN NOW
First of all, keep in mind NPTEL EXAM is not a very tough exam, getting the certification of NPTEL is very easy if you have gone through video lectures and assignments. But how to pass NPTEL exam without studying even if you have not gone through the all lectures you can still pass the exam.
How to pass NPTEL exam in one day?
Make sure to do all the MCQ assignments(80% ques are from assignments only, not exactly same but similar)
If you have time then watch videos of any 4 weeks(preferably middle weeks and go through their assignment by yourself)
If your course had provided assignment solution then take any 4 weeks and read that detailed assignment.
Don’t leave any questions in the exam.
Note:- Above steps are not much recommended but if you have not studied for the exam at all and want to do last-minute preparation then you can try this method.
How To Register For NPTEL Courses?
Step 1 – Go and Visit the following link- https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in
Step 2 – Click on the tab “Login Option” seen on the top right-hand corner.
Step 3 – Use your Google account ID and password to log in.
Step 4 – Choose your desired course. Please check the details on the next page and click the [Join] button. Then enter the details and click on the Join button.
Step 5 – Once downloaded into the course, you will be able to see it. After completing these steps, you will receive a confirmation email.
How To Download NPTEL Admit Card?
Step 1: Go and visit the following link – https://internalapp.nptel.ac.in/
Step 2: Then click on the entry letter link.
Step 3: Enter the required details.
Step 4: Click the submit button.
Step 5: Download the Entrance Letter.
Step 6: Take the printout and keep it safe.
Please Note:
- Please come to the exam center with the printout of the same hall ticket, along with a valid govt. approved photo id card.
- Please read the instructions that are given on the hall ticket before coming to the exam.
How can I check my nptel result?
To check your scores, visit the following link – http://nptel.ac.in/noc/ and click on the “Result” option at the right top corner. Enter the Email Id with which you enrolled for the course and your DOB. You will be directed to the page which will contain your scores.
What is good score in NPTEL?
The pass criteria for exams is being changed from July 2019. A learner will pass and be certified only if Average assignment score (out of 100) >= 40 AND Final exam score ( out of 100) >= 40. E-verifiable certificates are made available on nptel.ac.in/noc Only e-certificates will be published.
What happen if you fail in NPTEL exam?
NTPEL gives only two opportunities in a year,one in summer and other in winters. So if you failed that you have to wait for next season. You can apply for NTPEL Exam for the same course in next season now. Keep an eye on the information of next session by checking the status of exam.
NPTEL exam information is here – uniquejankari.in
What happens if you miss nptel exam?
For students, NPTEL’s decision to not hold exams may translate into a long wait. For, if they don’t wait till exams can be conducted, learners will have to walk away with merely an assignment score sheet and a pass certificate. The same, however, cannot be counted as domain certification as a completed course.
How many assignment are considered in NPTEL?
There will be a total of 8 assignments. 1 Assignment will be posted every week on Mondays. Best of 6 out of 8 assignment’s score will be evaluated for the final grading.
Are nptel exams MCQ?
NPTEL Exam is totally based on your course type but mostly questions are MCQ based only with some fill-in-the-blanks and Definition.
Can I get refund for NPTEL exam?
We will refund 80% of the exam fees you had paid, with 20% retained by NPTEL towards admin costs. Refund will be initiated only after exams are concluded.
NPTEL EXAM conducted at the center or at home?
NPTEL FINAL EXAM is the center–based exam you have to appear in person and take the exam. The duration of the exam is 3hrs and if you want you can leave after half time.
Is there any negative marking in NPTEL FINAL EXAM?
No, there is no negative marking in the final exam you can attempt all the questions.
Where I can download NPTEL admit card?
You can visit the official site of NPTEL and download your admit card or a separate mail will be sent to you with the link of admit card.
Is there any negative marking in NPTEL exam?
Each correct answer earns 2 points, and wrong answer loses –1 point. There is no negative marking for not attempting the question.
how do I add NPTEL exam certificate for resume in linkedIn?
Please follow the steps below:
Login into http://nptel.ac.in/noc…. Click on LinkedIn Add to Profile button. Copy your Certification URL and press Add to LinkedIn. Fill in all the fields as shown in the image below and press save.
How do I unenroll from a class on NPTEL?
For withdrawing from a course to which you have enrolled, login to the https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in portal using your email id used to enroll to the course. Click on the email id seen on the right top of the page. You will get a drop down in which there will be an option to unenroll from the course.
Where to get NPTEL FINAL EXAM Question papers?
NPTEL doesn’t disclose final exam questions after the exam so you can’t find them anywhere but questions are mostly assignment-based.
Is the programming question will be in NPTEL FINAL EXAM?
No, there will be no programming questions in the final exam, no IDE will be provided question will be MCQ, And fill in the blanks.
How can I change my email ID in NPTEL swayam?
You can provide any email id, which you wish to convert to a google enabled email id. By following the mentioned steps, your exsisting email id will be changed to google enabled email id. On the left hand side you can see the ‘filter’option. Here, under that National Coordinator tab, select NPTEL.
Can I delete my Nptel swayam account?
If you no longer desire to participate in the SWAYAM Site, you may terminate your participation at any time. The rights granted to you hereunder will terminate upon any termination of your right to use the SWAYAM Site, but the other provisions of the Agreements will survive any such termination.
Can we change NPTEL exam centre?
Once you have registered for a particular exam, it is final as the form will become uneditable. So please think and choose the subject carefully while you register for the exam. It cannot be changed once registered.
If you have any more questions related to NPTEL or NPTEL exam pattern feel free to write in comment box. Thanking you.
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