SOFT SKILLS WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2021:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

Q1. Nervousness during oral presentation can be controlled by_____________ with the crowd.   

(A) creating an indifference 

(B) a rapport

Ans:- (B) a rapport

Q2. The purpose of speeches and presentations is to develop _____________. 

(A) Critical thinking 

(B) Creative writing

Ans:- (A) Critical thinking 

Q3. Speaking affects faster than writing because of its ________________ quality. 

(A) Logical 

(B) Emotive

Ans:- (B) Emotive

Q4. Speaking is an __________ quality which animals are deprived of. 

(A) Acquired 

(B) Innate

Ans:- (B) Innate

Q5. ____________ is the first and foremost component of effective speaking. 

(A) Voice 

(B) Clarity

Ans:- (B) Clarity

Q6. Debate is a form of____________. 

(A) Imaginative reasoning 

(B) Argumentative reasoning

Ans:- (B) Argumentative reasoning

Q7. Which of the following are the deciding factor(s)for selecting a topic? 

(A) Well known subject 

(B) Make an inventory 

(C) Use reference book 

(D) All of these

Ans:- (D) All of these

Q8. Which of the following is/are the type(s) of Presentation? 

(A) Impromptu 

(B) Extemporaneous 

(C) Reading from manuscript 

(D) All of these

Ans:- (D) All of these

Q9. Which of the following is not a requisite for an effective presentation? 

(A) Practice 

(B) Pattern 

(C) Performance 

(D) Procrastination

Ans:- (D) Procrastination

Q10. Which of the following is Nervousness best related to? 

(A) Phenomenology 

(B) Psychology 

(C) Physiology 

(D) Pharmacology

Ans:- (B) Psychology 

Q11. “Men of few words are best Men”. Who among the following gave this quote? 

(A) William Shakespeare 

(B) William Congreve 

(C) Christopher Marlowe 

(D) Ben Jonson

Ans:- (A) William Shakespeare 

Q12. “Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage”. Name the person who said this. 

(A) Abraham Lincoln 

(B) Theodore Roosevelt 

(C) Walt Whitman 

(D) Samuel Jonson

Ans:- (B) Theodore Roosevelt 

Q13. Which of the following is not the valid reason for Nervousness? 

(A) Anxiety of Performance 

(A) Fear of  forgetting 

(C) Interaction with stranger 

(D) Poise and confidence

Ans:- (D) Poise and confidence

Q14. What should a presenter do when a group of audience members keep smiling and whispering throughout an oral presentation? 

(A) Ask them to be silent 

(B) Take their smiles and whisper as a complement 

(C) Threaten them by gestures 

(D) Use bombastic words

Ans:- (B) Take their smiles and whisper as a complement 

Q15. Voice, vocabulary and tone are the essential components of effective speaking. 

(A) True 

(B) false

Ans:- (A) True 

Q16. Taking a deep breath and starting with a pause can act as a stress booster . 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (B) False

Q17. Main point of speech is explaining and providing all details. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (A) True 

Q18. Parched throat is not a symptom of nervousness. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (B) False

Q19. Rebuttal is one of the best way to have an edge over opponent. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (A) True 

Q20. Argumentative ability is seldom developed through participation in debate. 

(A) True 

(B) False

Ans:- (A) True 


SOFT SKILLS WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2021:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.


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