Open and Closed Circuits MCQ

open and Closed Circuits MCQ

1.Electrical lights will not come on unless their electrical circuit is a —

  • parallel circuit
  • series circuit
  • closed circuit
  • short circuit 

2. A circuit in which energy can freely flow.

  • Closed Circuit
  • Free Circuit
  • Open Circuit
  • Energy Circuit

3. A continuous path of conductors that allows electricity to pass through easily is called a(n)…

  • Closed circuit
  • Double circuit
  • Open circuit
  • Electric current 

4. . Which parts are needed to complete a simple circuit lighting a lightbulb?

  • wire, battery, lightbulb
  • wire, buzzer, lightbulb
  • battery, buzzer, wire,
  • wire, switch lightbulb

5. Electricity is the flow of _________.

  • Protons
  • Neutrons
  • Electrons

6. Current is referred to as:

  • flow of electricity
  • circuits
  • flow of electrons
  • batteries

7. An open circuit is defined as

  • discontinuous
  • broken path
  • current will not flow
  • all of them

8. ………… is an electric device which easily closes or open circuit.

  • filament
  • electric bulb
  • electric switch
  • electic cell

9. A Material which allows electricity to pass through it is ………..

  • conductor
  • insulator
  • transistor
  • none of these

10. Which of the following is a defined quantity?

  • Pressure
  • Polarity
  • Money
  • Length

11. Which of the following is a correct relation?

  • Giga>Mega>Tera
  • Mega>Tera>Giga
  • Tera>Mega>Giga
  • Tera>Giga>Mega

12. If charge q = 3t2 + 2 then current is given by

  • 6t + 2
  • 3t2
  • 6t
  • 3t2 + 2

13.‘Positive Power’ meaning ___________

  • Power is being delivered to circuit
  • Power is being extracted from circuit
  • No power supply
  • Input and output powers are equal

14. If energy w = 200t2+ 99 et + 2 then calculate at 0.1 sec

  • 148.52
  • 149.41
  • 149.95
  • 148.39

15. Separation of charge creates

  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Resistance
  • Friction

Answers : –

1 – (C), 2 – (A), 3 – (A), 4 – (A), 5 – (C), 6 – (C), 7 – (D), 8 – (C), 9 – (A), 10 – (D), 11 – (D), 12 – (C), 13 – (A), 14 – (B) 15 – (B)

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