NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022

NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

What is Soft Skill Development?

While hard skills teach us what to do, soft skills tell us how to apply our hard skills in a social environment. The focus of the course is to develop a wide variety of soft skills starting from communication, to working in different environments, developing emotional sensitivity, learning creative and critical decision making, developing awareness of how to work with and negotiate with people and to resolve stress and conflict in ourselves and

others The uniqueness of the course lies in how a wide range of relevant issues are raised, relevant skills discussed and tips for integration provided in order to make us effective in workplace and social environments.


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022:-

Q1.Which factor plays an important role in the self-disclosure stage of formulating a relationship?

A. Trust and mutual exchange of thoughts
B. Relationship potential
C. Giving information
D. All of the above


NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022

Answer:- D. All of the above

Q2.Relationships influence our behaviour, goals and attitudes.

A. True
B. False

Answer:- A. True

Q3. Identify the stages in the formation of a relationship.             

I. Acquaintance             
II. Ground breaking           
III. Rapport building           
IV. Exploration

A. Only I & IV are correct.
B. Only II & III are correct.
C. Only I, II & III are correct.
D. All I, II, III & IV are correct.

Answer:- D. All I, II, III & IV are correct.

Q4. What is the meaning of the Greek work from which β€˜dynamics’ has been derived?

A. Strength
B. Force
C. Power
D. Authority

Answer:- B. Force

Q5. In the Tuckman model of group development, groups at the _________________ stage begins to come into existence and seeks guidance and direction from a leader concerning the nature of its task and procedure.

A. Forming
B. Adjourning
C. Storming
D. Norming

Answer:- A. Forming


NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022

Q6. Group dynamics is a system of behaviours and psychological processes occurring within a social group, or between social groups.

A. True
B. False

Answer:- A. True

Q7. Which of the following groups consist of people who work together to achieve a common task?

A. Command groups
B. Functional groups
C. Interest groups
D. Task groups

Answer:- D. Task groups

Q8. A command group is created by the organization to accomplish specific goals within an unspecified time frame.

A. True
B. False

Answer:- B. False

Q9. The study of ___________________ helps us to recognize the formation of a group and states how the group should be organized, lead and promoted.

A. Group behaviour
B. Effective communication
C. Group dynamics
D. Group formation

Answer:- C. Group dynamics

Q10. ________________style of conflict management attempts to balance the needs of both or all sides in a conflict by encouraging everyone to give in on at least some points.

A. Avoiding
B. Compromising
C. Forcing
D. Accommodating

Answer:- B. Compromising


NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022

Q11. Identify the types of non-verbal communication strategies for conflict management.

A. Kinesics
B. Oculesics
C. Haptics
D. All of the above

Answer:-For Answer Click Here

Q12. ______________ is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce reward, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.

A. Communication
B. Conflict
C. Behaviour
D. Conflict management

Answer:- B. Conflict

Q13. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analysing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures.

A. True
B. False

Answer:- A. True


NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022

Q14. Preetirekha has many friends on Facebook. They are friends from his college. She and her friends regularly share information regarding class notes, test papers, syllabus etc. on Facebook. They also share their personal and group photos. Which level of networking is this?

A. Meso Level
B. Micro Level
C. Macro Level
D. None of the above

Answer:-For Answer Click Here

Q15. __________________ is a computer-mediated tool that allow people, companies and other organizations to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures and videos in virtual communities and networks.

A. Computer
B. Social media
C. Gaming
D. Online forums

Answer:- B. Social media

Disclaimer:- We do not claim 100% surety of solutions, these solutions are based on our sole expertise, and by using posting these answers we are simply looking to help students as a reference, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

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NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 4 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

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