NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022:- All the Answers are provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment to your own knowledge.

What is Introduction To Internet Of Things?

Introduction to the Internet Of Things is a fun-filled course where Domain Certification helps learners to gain expertise in specific areas/Doman. This can be helpful for learners who wish to work in a particular area as part of their job or research or for those appearing for some competitive exam or becoming job-ready or specializing in an area of study


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022 [July-Dec]

1. UMB consists of_

a. UMB-A and UMB-C
b. UMB-A and UMB-B
c. UMB-B and UMB-C
d. UMB-A and UMB-E

Answer:- a

2. UMB creates virtual maps among the________of all middleware home networks.

a. Virtual devices
b. Physical devices
c. Heterogeneous devices
d. Services

Answer:- b

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

3. Which of the following is the functionality of UMB adaptors?

a. Translate local middleware’s message into global metadata’s message
b. Translate global middleware’s message into global metadata’s message.
c. Translate local middleware’s message into local metadata’s message.
d. Translate global middleware’s message into local meta-data’s message.

Answer:- a

4. Which of the following is true?

a. Relay is an actuator that uses electromagnetic effect to act as a switch.
b. Relay can open and close circuit when electricity is passed through it.
c. Relay can be used to control the power supply to any other connected device.
d. All of these.

Answer:- d

5. What is sketch?

a. Program coded in IoT devices.
b. Program coded in Arduino IDE.
c. Services of Arduino Uno.
d. Services of IoT devices

Answer:- b

6. What is function setup()?

a. Point where code terminates.
b. Point where code starts.
c. It iterates the task in the program.
d. None of the above.

Answer:- b

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

7. Which of the following is true tor the given command? random(10);

a. Gives random number within the range [0, 10)
b. Gives random nunmber within the range |1, 10]
c. Gives random umber within the range [0, 9]
d. Reset the pseudo-random umber generator with seed value 10

Answer:- a

8. Which of the following is true for the given command? random(10);

a. Gives random number within the range [0, 10)
b. Gives random umber within the range |1, 10]
c. Gives random number within the range [0, 9]
d. Reset the pseudo-random nunmber generator with seed value 10

Answer:- a

9. Which of the following is TRUE for the sketch command given below? delay(3000);

a. Provides a delay of 3000 seconds
b. Provides a delay of 3 seconds
c. Provides a delay of 3000 nano seconds
d. Provides a delay of 3000 simulation time

Answer:- b

10. Which of the following solutions are not responsible for generating unique address?

a. Election Product Code (EPC)
b. Unique Product Code (UPC)
C. Uniform Resource Identifier (TURI)
d. IP Addresses

Answer:- b

11. How many digital I/O pins are there in Arduino Uno.

a. 14
b. 54
c. 11
d. 16

Answer:- a

12. The interoperabilฤฑty between devices and device user in term of message fomats is called

a. Systematie interoperability.
b. Semantic interoperability.
c. Syntactic interoperability.
d. Device interoperability.

Answer:- c

13. dynamically maps physical devices with different domains.

a. Collaborative concept
b. Middleware technology
c. End devices
d. Cloud

Answer:- b

14. Which of the following ontology utilize previous data to estimate what is going to happen?

a. Device ontology
b. Physical domain ontology
c. Estimation ontology
d. Virtual domain ontology

Answer:- c

15. Which component of UMB converts physical devices into virtually abstracted one, as described by Universal Deviee Template (UMB).

a. UMB-A
b. UMB-C
c. UDT mapping
d. UMB-B

Answer:- a

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022 {Jan}

Q1. Does 6LoWPAN allow interoperability between IEEE802.15.4-based wireless devices, as well as other IP-based devices?

a. Yes
b. No
c.Not Applicable

Answer:- a


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

Q2. Servo motor works on the principle of ________________.

a. Electro-magnetism
b. PWM
c. Magnetism
d. None of these

Answer:- b

Q3. Which of the following is NOT a commonly available Arduino boards in the market?

a. Arduino Uno
b. Arduino Mega
c. Arduino Nano
d. Arduino Dyu

Answer:- d

Q4. Different processing logics applied to same IoT networked devices or applications is classified as _______________.

a. Semantic conflict
b. Configuration conflict
c. Processing conflict
d. Heterogeneity conflict

Answer:- a

Q5. Which of the following is TRUE for collaborative conceptualization theory?

a. overcomes the limitation of ontology
b. enables cross-context semantic interoperability for any objects
c. Both overcomes the limitation of ontology and enables cross-context semantic interoperability for any objects
d. represents things as symbols of semiotics.

Answer:- c

Q6. Which of the following is TRUE for the following command? Serial.begin(9600);

a. Arduino exchange messages with the Serial Monitor at a data rate of 9600 bytes per second.
b. 9600 represent binary ones or zeros per second.
c. Both Arduino exchange messages with the Serial Monitor at a data rate of 9600 bytes per second and 9600 represent binary ones or zeros per second.
d. Arduino exchange messages with the Serial Monitor for 9600 simulation time.

Answer:- c

Q7. Which of the following standards can be utilized as Device Catalogs?

a. ecl@ss
c. Both UNSPSC and ecl@ss
d. None of these

Answer:- c

Q8. Which of the following enables interoperability?

a. Cloud computing system
b. Sensor nodes
c. Middleware
d. All of these

Answer:- c


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

Q9. Which of the following is TRUE for the sketch command given below? delay(1000);

a. Provides a delay of 1000 seconds
b. Provides a delay of 1 second
c. Provides a delay of 1000 simulation time
d. Provides a delay of 1 simulation time

Answer:- b

Q10. In a sketch, a string can be declared using ____________.

a. Array
b. String object
c. Both array and string object
d. None of these

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q11. In syntactic interoperability between devices and device user, the message format from the user to the device is _____________ by the device.

a. understandable
b. executable
c. Both understandable and executable
d. None of the above

Answer:- c

Q12. In a sketch, which of the following function initializes I/O variables and pin modes?

a. initialize()
b. loop()
c. init()
d. setup()

Answer:- d

Q13. Which does pin 3 (from left to right, as shown in the figure below) in a digital humidity and temperature sensor signify?

a. Power supply
b. Data
c. Ground
d. None of these

Answer:- d

Q14. Which of the following best describes the command given below? ServoDemo.write(180);

a. Creates an instance of the servo
b. Pin writes 180 to the servo
c. Servo moves 180 degrees
d. All of these

Answer:- c

Q15. Which of the following is an interoperable system commonly used for automation?

a. LonWorks
b. Dropbox
c. ThingSpeak
d. All of these

Answer:- a


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 5 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

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