NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022

NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

What is Introduction To Internet Of Things?

Introduction to the Internet Of Things is a fun-filled course where Domain Certification helps learners to gain expertise in specific areas/Doman. This can be helpful for learners who wish to work in a particular area as part of their job or research or for those appearing for some competitive exam or becoming job-ready or specializing in an area of study


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.
Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022 {July – Dec}

1. The process of abstracting physical network hardware and resources from the network services and use cases are known as

a. Network Splitting
b. Network Virtualization
c. Network Scaling
d. None of these


2. ODIN is one of the proposed solutions towards Software Defined WSN and mobility management. As per the architecture of ODIN, which component of ODIN is placed on top of the controller.

a. ODIN master
b. ODIN agent
c. Both ODIN master and agent
d. Neither ODIN Master and agent


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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022

3. Shared pool of resources with easy configurability are important aspects of cloud computing.

a. True
b. False


4. In cloud computing, the users have specific knowledge about the exact physical location of the computing hardware with respect to the cloud services.

a. True
b. False


5. Suppose there are two organizations, A and B both of which provide cloud services. Any user can access the cloud of A free of cost whereas only employees of organization B can access the cloud of B. Also organization B has set up its cloud for only its own needs. With respect to the type of cloud infrastructure provided by A and B, which among the following is true

a. A: Private Cloud, B: Public Cloud
b. A: Public Cloud, B: Private Cloud
c. A: Public Cloud, B: Public Cloud
d. A: Private Cloud, B: Private Cloud


6. Which among the following can be considered as a potential service model for cloud computing.

a. Software as a Service
b. Database as a Service
c. Platfom as a Service
d. All of these


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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022

7. Which of the following component can be considered as optional for a sensor node?

a. Sensing unit
b. Transceiver
c. Location finding unit
d. None of the above


8. You have bought a spreadsheet processing software in the form of a CD-ROM which you would need to install yourself on your computer to run and then manage. Is it an example of SaaS in cloud computing?

a. Yes
b. No


9. Suppose two persons A and B both wish to access a particular SaaS feature from a cloud service provider through their respective personal computers. Both of them log into the cloud at the same time. Then which among the following is true.

a. Neither A nor B will be able to access the services
b. A will be able to access the services but not B
c.B wil be able to access the services but not A.
d. Both A and B will be able to access the services


10. Along with Accounting, which among the following is an essential component of cloud service management.

a. Virtualization
b. Billing
c. Deployment
d. None of these


11. Which among the following security paradigms is concerned with securing the in-transit data between the users and the cloud through the Internet.

a. Network Level Security
b. Host Level Security
c. Application Level Security
d. None of these.


12. “Cloud Security ensures that _____________ users can access their data after proper _____________”

Choose which among the following should be the correct order of words to be filled in the blanks.

a. legitimate, authentication
b. illegitimate, authentication
c. malicious, inaction
d. malicious, attack


13. Which among the following should be protected with proper access control in cloud computing

a. Database access
b. Server access
c. Virtual resource access
d. All of these


14. Before launching your cloud services as a product to customers, it is always a good idea to test your cloud applications on a cloud simulator first in the pre-deployment phase.

a. True
b. False


15. With respect to virtualızation in cloud computing, which among the following can be considered as suitable virtualization paradigms.

a. Storage virtualization
b. Hardware virtualization
c. Application virtualization
d. All of these.


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022 {Jan – June}

Q1. Which of the following is an issue prevalent for communication in wireless sensor networks?

a. Diffusion 
b. Interference 
c. Diffraction 
d. Inheritance

Answer:- b. Interference 


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022

Q2. In a cloud computing paradigm, the user does not have availability to on-demand services.

Answer: b

Q3. Which among the following can be rented as a utility service by a client remotely in Cloud Computing?

Answer: d

Q4. When you are accessing Google docs or Microsoft Word online for accessing the features of a document writing software from your browser without specifically installing them, which cloud service model you are using?

Answer: a

Q5. In cloud computing service model, what does ‘XaaS’ stand for?

Answer: d

Q6. Microsoft Azure is an example of ____________ service provider.

Answer:- b

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Q7. No virtualization is used in cloud service provisioning.

Answer: b

Q8. What does DBaaS stand for in cloud computing service model?

Answer: b

Q9. Suppose a hospital that deals with sensitive patient data wants to have cloud support for all of its computers, but it wants to set up its own secure cloud infrastructure. This is an example of which of the following models?

Answer: For Answer Click Here

Q10. What does ‘CIA’ in cloud data security stand for?

Answer: a


NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022

Q11. In virtualization, a hypervisor is responsible for orchestration between the underlying physical hardware and the virtual machines being installed.

Answer: a

Q12. For a secure cloud deployment, which among the following are needed to be considered?

Answer: d

Q13. CloudSim is a type of

Answer:- b

Q14. Before cloud computing provisioning, the client is provided with the details of the various warranties in which of the following documents?

Answer: For Answer Click Here

Q15. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example of

Answer:- c

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NPTEL Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 8 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

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